19 Vegetables Grown in Maharashtra

Published on: 14.03.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Do you know about all the Vegetables Grown in Maharashtra? Well, you’re in luck because we do! Find out below!

Knowing the Vegetables Grown in Maharashtra, you can try these out for yourself and save quite a lot. Plus, most vegetables need little care, so why not?

Vegetables Grown in Maharashtra

1. Onion (प्याज)

You can easily grow onions in Maharashtra. In fact, they’re grown across the state in Nashik, Pune, Ahmednagar, Jalgaon, and Solapur. There are 22 onion markets in Nashik only!

2. Tomato (टमाटर)

Tomatoes aren’t that far behind and are grown year-round in the Pune, Sangli, Satara, Nashik, and Ahmednagar districts of the state. The largest tomato wholesale market in the state is Pimpalgaon APMC.

3. Pea (मटर)

These lovely green pod vegetables are grown in Maharashtra during the cooler months, which the locals call the Rabi season. You’ll find them in Jalgaon, Dhule, and Nasik.

4. Brinjal (बैंगन)

Pune, Sangli, Kolhapur, Jalgaon, Nashik, Aurangabad, and Ahmednagar are major producers of brinjals (Eggplants) in Maharashtra, but you can easily grow them across the entire state.

5. Chilli (मिर्च)

There are many varieties of mild and very hot chili peppers, which you’ll find growing when you visit Solapur, Latur, Akola, and Nagpur. They’re also grown in Jalgaon and Sangli.

6. Cabbage (पत्ता गोभी)

These leafy greens are also grown during the Rabi season in Pune, Satara, Sangli, and Kolhapur and as a kharif crop in Nashik.

7. Cauliflower (फूलगोभी)

Cauliflowers need cool temperatures to grow and are grown in mid-November/early December in Pune, Nashik, Satara, and Ahmednagar.

8. Cluster Bean (ग्वार फली)

These legumes have slender pods with edible seeds inside that are used in many local dishes. Cluster beans are majorly grown in Solapur, Latur, Parbhani, and Osmanabad.

9. Lady Finger (भिंडी)

Also known as okra, these vegetables need warm and humid conditions, which makes them perfect for growing in Nashik, Sangli, and Satara.

10. Spinach (पालक)

Did you know that spinach is also grown year-round in Maharashtra? These veggies are rich in vitamins and minerals and are prominent in Pune and Kolhapur.

11. Bottle Gourd (लौकी)

Bottle gourds are also grown in Pune and Kolhapur, but you’ll also find them in Sangli and Ahmednagar. The common varieties you’ll find are Samrat, Pusa Navin, Arka Bahar, and Akluj Local.

Do check out these Vegetables Grown in Kashmir

12. Cucumber (खीरा)

The major producers of cucumbers in Maharashtra are Pune, Nashik, and Satara. So, if you live in these cities, why not grow your own?

13. Bitter Gourd (करेला)

Bitter gourds are cherished for their health benefits and are widely grown in Pune, Satara, Sangli, and Kolhapur during the monsoon and summer seasons.

14. Carrot (गाजर)

Carrots are rich in vitamin A and abundant in the Rabi season when the temperatures drop. A significant portion of these comes from Kavalapur village in Sangli, also known as the “Carrot Village.”

15. Turmeric (हल्दी)

These bright yellow root vegetables are used as a spice and are grown in Ratnagiri and Kolhapur districts. They’re also found in Nanded, Hingoli, and Parbhani.

16. Radish (मूली)

Nashik and Ahmednagar are full of radishes, especially during the colder months. You’ll find many lovely radish varieties, from white to red and burgundy.

17. Sweet Potato (शकरकंद)

Sweet potatoes are a popular street food snack and can be easily grown at home if you live in Maharashtra. They need warm conditions and are also found in Nashik and Satara.

18. Potato (आलू)

You’ll also have a lot of luck growing potatoes. These vegetables are common in Jalgaon, Dhule, Nashik, and Ahmednagar, but Pune and Satara are the major potato growers in Maharashtra.

19. Capsicum (शिमला मिर्च)

Many capsicums, in green, red, yellow, and orange colors and mild to sweet flavors, are grown in Maharashtra as well. You’ll find them in the Pune, Sangli, and Satara districts.

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