24 Beautiful Red Flowers in India

Last Updated: 11.03.2024

Are you familiar with all the Red Flowers in India? We’ll test your knowledge and fill in all the gaps with our list.

Red flowers are very special in India! They are bright and beautiful and are a major part of festivals, weddings, and decorating your homes. So, which one should you plant? Find out below.

Red Flowers in India

1. Gudhal (Hibiscus)

hibiscus plant in pot

Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Gudhals have beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers in red and orange shades. They’re easy to grow and found across India, particularly in the Himalayas and Deccan peninsula.

2. Palash (Flame of the Forest)

Palash red flowers tree

Botanical Name: Butea monosperma

Palash is a tall tree with fiery orange-red flowers. They’re common in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, and their wood and flowers are used in many religious ceremonies.

3. Paras Peepal (Indian Tulip)

red Paras Peepal flower plant in garden

Botanical Name: Thespesia populnea

The Paras Peepal tree has red-maroon flowers, and its bark is used to treat skin diseases. These grow in tropical forests of India and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

4. Ashok (Ashoka Tree)

Ashok flower plant in garden

Botanical Name: Saraca indica

Ashoka is a sacred red flower tree in India that you must have come across in temples or gardens, especially in the southern states. It has lovely red flowers that hang downwards.

5. Rugmini (Jungle Flame)

Rugmini plant in tyre planter in garden

Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

This vine has vibrant clusters of red flowers and thrives in tropical climates. It’s common in forests and gardens and is particularly found in the Western Ghats.

You should learn about the Best Yellow Flowers in India too

6. Kaner (Red Oleander)

Kaner plant in garden

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

You’ll find Kaner flowers in pink and white flowers, too, but the red ones are by far the prettiest. They’re common throughout India but are more common in warmer regions. Be careful; these red flower plants are poisonous.

7. Krishna Kamal (Red Passionflower)

Krishna Kamal red flowers in india

Botanical Name: Passiflora racemosa

The intricate flowers of the red passionflower symbolize faith and are found in the Western Ghats and all coastal regions in India.

8. Bandarjhula (Indian Mallow)

Bandarjhula flower plant pot near bench

Botanical Name: Abutilon

Bandarjhula flowers hang downwards like bells and attract sunbirds. These Indian red flowers love moist areas and are found along eastern and southern riverbanks and wetlands.

9. Rohini (Indian Coral Tree)


Rohini red flowers in india

Botanical Name: Erythrina variegata

This red flower Indian tree has orange-red flowers that look like claws, earning it another name, Tiger’s Claws. Rohini trees are widely planted in parks and avenues.

10. Gulab (Red Rose)

Gulab flower in pot on table

Botanical Name: Rosa indica

The gulab, or the red rose, is the classic symbol of love with its velvety petals and sweet scent. They’re widely cultivated in Maharashtra and Karnataka.

11. Laal Chameli (Red Jasmine)

red jasmine flower in container

Botanical Name: Jasminum beesianum

You must have seen the more common white or yellow chameli, but these are also counted in red colour flowers in India and have a sweet fragrance. They are grown extensively across the country.

12. Gulmohar (Royal Poinciana)

Gulmohar red flower in india

Botanical Name: Delonix regia

If you live in tropical or subtropical regions of India, these red flowers are perfect for you. Gulmohar trees have many medicinal properties, too.

13. Madhumalti (Rangoon Creeper)

Madhumalti flower pot in back yard

Botanical Name: Combretum indicum

This fast-growing vine has trumpet-shaped red flowers in India that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. They are perfect for gardens and fences.

Here are more Butterfly Attracting Plants in India

14. Genda (Red Marigold)

blooming Genda flower in pot red flowers in india

Botanical Name: Tagetes patula

Laal Genda flowers have a dark red hue that makes them stand out. They’re often used to create garlands to adorn deities and are grown extensively in Rajasthan and Gujarat.

15. Laal Guldavdi (Red Chrysanthemum)

Laal Guldavdi flower pot in garden

Botanical Name: C. X Morifolium

These red Indian flowers have rounded flowerheads and represent joy and longevity. They are cultivated everywhere in the country but are more prominent in the Himalayas and Kashmir.

16. Laal Dahaliya (Red Dahlia)

Laal Dahaliya Red floweers in india

Botanical Name: Dahlia coccinea

Red dahlias have absolutely beautiful red flowers with yellow centers. They thrive in cooler regions and are grown in the Nilgiri hills, Himachal, and the Western Ghats.

17. Gule Ashrafi (Red Calendula)

Gule Ashrafi flowers blooming in garden

Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis

These flowers look like daisy flowers from a distance and have medicinal properties. Calendulas have been a part of Ayurveda in North India since ancient times.

18. Kand Pushp (Tulip)

Beautiful red Kand Pushp (Tulip) in garden
BOGA – Botanical Garden Bern

Botanical Name: Tulipa lanata

Kand pushps have goblet-shaped blooms that can be found in both light and dark red shades. They’re popular in hill stations and Himachal Pradesh as they bloom in slightly colder temperatures.

19. Khus Khus (Red Poppy)

Khus Khus (Red Poppy) flower plant in garden

Botanical Name: Papaver rhoeas

Khus khus is a wildflower that is often seen in meadows in northern India. It has papery petals and a delicate appearance. Plus, they’re a favorite of bees.

20. Flamingo Lily

Flamingo Lily flower pot on stairs

Botanical Name: Anthurium andraeanum

Anthuriums have waxy red flowers and wonderful shiny leaves that make them good for indoor decoration. They are not native to India but are popular in many parts.

21. Red Begonia

Blooming Red Begonia flower pot in garden

Botanical Name: Begonia

Red begonias are common in India as well. These red flowers have cascading blooms and the ones most grown are rhizomatous begonias.

22. Camellia

Camellia grey flower pot in garden

Botanical Name: Camellia japonica

These cup-shaped flowers have a rich red hue with dark green leaves. They’re common in the Nilgiris and the Khasi hills.

23. Carnation

Carnation Red flowers in india

Botanical Name: Dianthus caryophyllus

Carnations have small, red flower clusters with slender leaves. They’re grown in north Indian hills like the Himalayas and the Western Ghats.

If you love a bit of color, try these Beautiful Multicolor Flowers in India

24. Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Flower red flower in india

Botanical Name: Lobelia cardinalis

This plant has tall spikes of red flowers that bloom in late summer and fall. They are not native to India but are popularly grown as ornamental plants.

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