How to Grow Ashoka Tree in India | Growing Sorrowless Tree

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Known for its medicinal properties, the Saraca asoca holds a lot of importance in Indian Culture. Learn How to Grow Ashoka Tree!

How to Grow Ashoka Tree

This ornamental tree bears orange-yellow hued, aromatic blossoms that slowly turn red after becoming droopy. Although blooms may appear year-round, February to April is the peak flowering period. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Ashoka Tree in India.

Have a glance at 10 Most Oxygen Producing Trees in India here

Ashoka Tree Information

The Ashoka tree is a significant and sacred tree in Indian culture. Additionally, the tree holds cultural and religious importance and is often planted in temple courtyards and gardens. It’s also valued for Ashoka tree medicinal uses. In traditional medicine, various parts of the Ashoka tree are used to treat various ailments.

Indigenous to India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka, Ashoka tree height is about 22-30 feet tall, evergreen tree with fragrant blossoms. As shown in picture of Ashoka tree, it has glossy, green leaves that are coppery-red initially, but they change the color from red to green, and after maturity, turn deep green.

Ashoka tree scientific name: Saraca asoca

Common Name of Ashoka tree in English: Sorrowless Tree, Asoka Tree, Ashoka Tree, Gapis, Talan

Here are the Ashoka Tree Common Name their respective native languages:

Ashoka tree in Hindi (हिन्दी ): अशोक (Ashoka) or अशोक वृक्ष (Ashok Vriksha)
தமிழ் (Tamil): அசோகம் (Asogam) or அசோகமரம் (Asogamaram)
తెలుగు (Telugu): అశోకము (Ashokamu)
ಕನ್ನಡ (Kannada): ಅಶೋಕ (Ashoka) or ಅಶೋಕಮರ (Ashokamara)
മലയാളം (Malayalam): അശോകം (Ashokam) or അശോകവൃക്ഷം (Ashokavriksham)
বাংলা (Bengali): অশোক (Ashok) or অশোক গাছ (Ashok Gach)
मराठी (Marathi): अशोक (Ashok)
ગુજરાતી (Gujarati): અશોક (Ashok) or અશોકવૃક્ષ (Ashok Vruksh)
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi): ਅਸ਼ੋਕ (Ashok)
ଓଡ଼ିଆ (Odia): ଅଶୋକ (Ashok)
संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit): अशोक (Ashoka) or गन्धपुष्प (Gandhapushpa)

Note: This tree is diminishing nowadays, as people are cutting it in large numbers for its medicinal properties. It now comes under ‘vulnerable’ species according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

Learn about False Ashoka Tree Vs Ashoka Tree here

Importance of Ashoka Tree

One of the sacred trees of India, the Ashoka tree is said to bring good luck to its owner and diminishes all the sorrow hence called ‘sorrow-less’ tree. Additionally, the Ashoka tree is linked with a multitude of religious stories and mythology. According to Buddhist texts, the queen Maya of Sakya had given birth to Lord Buddha under the vicinity of the Ashoka tree.

As per the Hindu Ramayan Mahakavya, Sita took shelter and dwelled in the shade of Ashoka trees in Lanka, when Ravan had abducted her. Furthermore, Hindus dedicate its mesmerizing flowers to Kamadev as a reverence.

This tree is known for its medicinal properties, its barks are used to treat burning sensation, women ailments, and digestive problems. The pulp of its blossoms is used to treat dysentery.

Types of Ashoka Tree

Various types of Ashoka trees exist. One of the most common is Saraca indica, known as the Indian Ashoka or Sita Ashok. Additionally, this species is native to India and Sri Lanka and is renowned for its cultural significance and fragrant flowers.

In India, the garden tree known as Polyalthia longifolia is commonly referred to as the Ashoka tree, likely because of its foliage’s slight resemblance. However, to prevent any confusion with the true Ashoka or Sita Ashok tree, it is often referred to as the ‘False Ashoka.’ These two trees can be easily distinguished from each other.

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How to Grow Ashoka Tree

The easiest and most convenient propagation method of propagating the Original Ashoka Tree is through the seeds. You can either buy them from the local nursery shop or collect them from the fruits of 6-8 years old Ashoka tree.

Additionally, Ashoka tree produces flowers from February to April. A bean-like fruit appears and matures from June to August. In addition, harvest its purple-black hued pod fruits that contain around 4-8 seeds and collect the seeds. Rinse and keep them in the water overnight.

During mid-monsoon, take a small pot (5-7 inches diameter) filled with regular potting soil. Poke the seeds inside the soil and keep it in the bright spot. In addition, mist it regularly. The new Ashoka tree leaves will appear within 25-30 days. After 2 months, you can transplant this seedling in the garden soil.

Ashoka Tree Growing Requirements

How to Grow Ashoka Tree 2


This tree grows well in a bright but shady area. Additionally, it doesn’t prefer full sun exposure, but partial shade to full shade, both are suitable.


For small plants growing, check the soil around by poking one and a half inch finger in the soil, if it feels dry, water it. In addition, if your yard is large enough, you can even install drip irrigation to provide precise watering.


Ashoka tree calls for fertile and well-draining soil with slightly acidic to neutral ph 5-7.5. Additionally, loamy, sandy loamy, or clay-loamy soil is perfect for growing the Ashoka tree.


It grows well in a frost-free climate, between the range of 20 – 35° C temperature. Additionally, the tree flourishes well in humid condition and performs poorly in dry and arid climatic areas.


Mature Ashoka trees do need heavy feeding as they get all the necessary nutrients from the soil. The best Fertilizer for Ashoka Tree, during their growing period, is organic fertilizer. You can use it twice a year, from May to June and then from October to November.

Ashoka Tree Benefits in Hindi

अशोक वृक्ष के फायदे:

  • सुंदरता: अशोक वृक्ष की हरा-हरा पेड़-पौधों और फूलों की सुंदरता के लिए जाना जाता है, जो बगीचों को सजाने में मदद करता है।
  • धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक महत्व: यह मंदिरों और धार्मिक स्थलों के पास बोए जाते हैं और भारतीय संस्कृति में महत्वपूर्ण हैं।
  • आयुर्वेदिक उपयोग: अशोक वृक्ष की छाल और रेजिन आयुर्वेदिक दवाओं में उपयोग होती है, खासकर महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य के लिए।
  • खाद्य का स्रोत: इसके पत्तों को खाद्य बनाने में उपयोग किया जा सकता है, जो पौष्टिकता में मदद करता है।
  • पेड़ का प्राकृतिक विकास: इसकी छाल और पेड़ का प्राकृतिक विकास जलसंचार को बढ़ावा देता है और जलवायु को सुधारता है।

Read about 10 Luckiest Plants According to Hinduism here


1. Where to Plant Ashoka Tree at Home?

To plant an Ashoka tree at home, choose a spot with well-draining soil and partial sunlight. In addition, ensure it has enough space to grow, as Ashoka trees can reach a considerable height.

2. What is the English Name for Ashoka Tree?

The English name for the Ashoka tree remains the same, “Ashoka Tree.”

3. Is Ashoka Tree Good for Home Gardens?

Yes, Ashoka trees can be a beautiful addition to home gardens, provided they have sufficient space to grow into their full size.

4. What is the Ashoka Tree Meaning in Hindi?

The Hindi name for Ashoka tree remains “अशोक” (Ashoka), which is the same as its botanical name.

5. How Deep Are Ashoka Tree Roots?

Ashoka tree root depth can extend deep into the soil, depending on the age and health of the tree. Typically, they can reach several feet below the surface.

6. What is the Ashoka Tree Classification?

The Ashoka tree belongs to the plant family Fabaceae and is classified under the genus Saraca with the botanical name “Saraca indica.”

7. Can Ashoka Trees Be Grown in Small Spaces, Limited to 10-15 Feet in Height?

Yes, it is possible to prune and maintain Ashoka trees at a height of 10-15 feet with regular pruning. Pruning tips can help control their size.

8. Why Are My Ashoka Trees Drying and Turning Brown from the Top?

If your Ashoka trees are drying and browning from the top, it may be due to several factors, including insufficient water, disease, or pests. Additionally, proper care and inspection are needed to determine the exact cause and address the issue.

9.How to Grow Ashoka Tree Faster in Hindi?

अशोक वृक्ष को तेजी से बढ़ाने के उपाय:

  1. अच्छे बीजों का चयन: स्वस्थ और अच्छे बीजों का चयन करें।
  2. नियमित देखभाल: पौधों को नियमित रूप से देखभाल करें, उन्हें पोषण और पानी प्रदान करें।
  3. प्रुनिंग: पेड़ के शाखाओं को नियमित रूप से काटें ताकि वे अच्छे से बढ़ सकें।
  4. अच्छी मिट्टी: मिट्टी को अच्छी तरह से ड्रेन होने वाली बनाएं।
  5. नियमित पानी: पौधों को नियमित रूप से पानी दें, लेकिन अधिक पानी न दें।
  6. खाद्य प्रदान करें: उपयुक्त खाद्य प्रदान करें ताकि पौधे स्वस्थ रहें।
  7. पेड़ की सुरक्षा: कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाने के लिए कीटनाशक का उपयोग करें।

Explore 10 Beautiful Flowering Trees in India here

2 thoughts on “How to Grow Ashoka Tree in India | Growing Sorrowless Tree”

  1. Hey Guys My Ashok trees are drying and turning brown from its top first it started with only one but then all of my ashok trees are facing same issue please help me out because i don’t know what is the exact reason behind…

  2. Is it possible to grow Ashoka tree in shot not being grow too big.up to 10to 15feet tall.please give a tip if possible.


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