How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum | Growing Chrysanthemum

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Colorful Shevati is one of the most beautiful flowers you can add to your garden. Read on to find out How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum!

How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum comes in beautiful shades of white, cream, orange, peach, yellow, pastel pink, purple, to red. Its pleasing fragrance also makes it one of the most desirable flowers after roses! If you too want to include it in your garden, then here’s all you need to know about How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum. 

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum multifolium

Common Names: Mums, Glory of The East, Shevanti, Chandramallika, Jamanthi, Sebati, Chandramukhi, Sevantige, Chamanthi

Learn how to grow Indian Paintbrush flowers here

How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum

Propagating Indian Chrysanthemum can be done from seeds and cuttings. Seeds will take more time as compared to cuttings. For growing it from seeds, simply sow the seeds into a garden bed or a container in the Autumn months.

Growing mums from cuttings:

  1. Using a sharp knife or shears, take a 4-6 inches long stem from a healthy plant after it has stopped blooming.
  2. Make sure that the cutting has 3-4 nodes (the point where leaves grow).
  3. Dip the ends of cuttings in rooting hormone and plant them in seed starter mix or good quality potting soil.
  4. Keep the pot where it can get bright, indirect light. Avoid keeping the cuttings in the harsh sun. Water well.
  5. The cuttings will form roots in 4-5 weeks.

Requirements for Growing Indian Chrysanthemum


Shevanti grows well in full sun. It requires a minimum of 5-6 hours of direct sunlight to bloom better. However, you might have to keep the plant safe from the harsh Indian sun in summers.


Chrysanthemum can adapt to most types of soils as long as the growing medium well-draining. It can also do well in sandy or loamy soil. The pH of the soil must be around 6.5.


Make sure to keep the soil always moist. Since the plant requires a good amount of sunlight, the water tends to dry up quickly hence it has to be watered often. Keep an eye on the topsoil and whenever it feels dry to the touch, water it well.

Temperature & Humidity

The optimum temperature range for mums is 15-30℃, with a humidity of 60-70%. But at the same time, ensure that the flower has good air circulation and it is not crowded with other plants.

Taking Care of Indian Chrysanthemum

How to Grow Indian Chrysanthemum 2


Chrysanthemum is a quite hardy plant and it can do well on its own, but additional nutrients can be provided during the blooming seasons to boost the yield. You can fertilize it with cow manure, or use a 12-6-6 fertilizer once in 2-3 months. Do make sure to refer to the label for dosge.


Pinch back spent flowers and some of the top growth where new buds are likely to grow. You should do this during the growing season to make your plant bushier and continue to bloom for longer.

Pests & Diseases

Indian Chrysanthemum is susceptible to root rot and powdery mildew so avoid keeping it shady and moist areas that are not well-aerated. Also, always go for pots with a drainage hole at the bottom.

Insects like aphids, leaf miners, chrysanthemum eelworms, and worms can attack the plant. You can get rid of them using neem oil or a soap solution.

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