Growing Palash Tree | How to Grow Tesu Ke Phool

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Palash Tree is a popular and sacred ped in India. Let’s have a look at how to grow Tesu Ke Phool easily in the garden!

Palash Tree

Palash Tree is also popular as Tesu ke phool in India. It grows bright orange-red flowers that bloom in the spring. They are native to India but can also be found in other tropical and subtropical regions.

Check Out How to Grow Kaner ke Phool here!

Palash Tree Information

Palash Tree is also famous as Tesu ke phool.

Palash Tree is a deciduous cultivar native to India and parts of Southeast Asia. Tesu ke phool grows to a height of 20 m and has a trunk diameter of up to 75 cm. Its bark is greyish-brown, and its leaves are pinnate and bright green in color. Its flowers are bright orange-red and are arranged in clusters.

Tesu ke phool is widely used in traditional medicine and is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It is also used to treat skin diseases, ulcers, and wounds. Palash Tree is also used as an ornamental plant and is widely planted in parks and gardens in India. The tree is also known for its fire-resistant properties and is used as fuel for cooking.

Botanical Name: Butea monosperma

Read About How to Grow Genda ka Phool in India here

How to Grow Palash Tree

Palash Tree is propagated primarily through stem cuttings and seeds. Stem cuttings are the most commonly used method of propagation and can be taken from both juvenile and mature plants. The Palash Tree cutting should be taken from a healthy and disease-free branch at least 10 cm long with at least three leaf nodes.

Plant Tesu ke phool cuttings in rich, well-draining soil. Water well and make sure they get plenty of indirect light.

Seeds can also be used to propagate Tesu ke phool. Soak them in warm water for 24 hours before planting them in well-draining soil.

Check Out How to Grow Bela ka Phool here

Requirements to Grow Palash Tree



Palash Tree prefers full sun and grows best in it. Tesu ke phool will also flower and produce fruit more profusely. For best results, plant it in a spot that receives sun for most of the day, preferably at least 8 hours of direct sunlight.

Check Out How to Grow Surajmukhi ka Phool here!


Tesu ke phool prefers well-draining, slightly acidic soil (pH 6.0-7.5). Palash Tree does best in a growing medium high in organic matter, such as compost or peat moss, as well as in sandy or loamy soils.

It is important to ensure there is adequate drainage, as Palash Tree does not tolerate wet or soggy soils. Add a layer of mulch around the base of Tesu ke phool to help conserve moisture and keep the soil temperature consistent.


Tesu ke phool is a drought-tolerant tree, so it does not require much water. It is best to water Palash Tree deeply and infrequently during dry periods. To do this, provide enough water to moisten the soil to a depth of 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) at once. Avoid frequent, shallow watering, which can damage the tree’s roots.

Read About How to Grow Dhature ka Phool here


Tesu ke phool thrives in warm and humid climates and does best in warm temperatures, with an ideal range of 21-37°C (70-99°F).

Palash Tree Care

Palash Tree 2


Feed Palash Tree in early spring and again in late summer.  Use a 10-10-10 or 8-8-8 once in 2 months to boost the growth. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions when applying fertilizer.

You can also do a soil test from time to time to see what nutrients may be lacking and then add the required nutrients to the growing medium.


Pruning Tesu ke phool is best in late winter or early spring. Pruning helps the Palash Tree to maintain the desired shape, size, and form. Trim the tree when you spot any dead, diseased, or damaged branches.

Pruning should be done selectively, removing only those branches that are necessary. Do it in a way that it opens up the canopy of Tesu ke phool to allow light and air to reach the interior of the tree.

Check Out How to Grow Ketki ka Phool in Pots here

Pests and Diseases

Tesu ke Phool Pests:

1. Leafhoppers
2. Mealybugs
3. Whiteflies
4. Aphids

Tesu ke Phool Diseases:

1. Bacterial Blight
2. Powdery Mildew
3. Anthracnose
4. Root Rot

Follow these instructions to keep Tesu ke phool free from pests and diseases:

  • Plant Tesu ke phool in well-drained soil in an area with plenty of air circulation and direct sunlight.
  • Remove any dead or diseased branches or leaves immediately to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Prune Palash Tree regularly to encourage healthy growth and prevent overcrowding.
  • Water Palash Tree only when the soil is dry to prevent fungal diseases.
  • Apply a fungicide or insecticide to the tree if necessary, following the directions on the product label.
  • Monitor Tesu ke phool for signs of pests or disease and act quickly to address any issues.
  • Encourage beneficial insects in your garden, such as ladybugs, which can help to control pest populations.

Read how to plant palash tree growing flame of the forest

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