11 Best Yellow Flowers in India

Last Updated: 11.03.2024

How many of the Best Yellow Flowers in India can be named? Don’t worry if that’s challenging; this list will help out!

If you want to have the most beautiful garden, begin with Yellow Flowers! These blooms bring bright colors to your lawn and can be helpful in many ways.

Best Yellow Flowers in India

1. Marigold (Genda)

marigold flower [ot in garden

Botanical Name: Tagetes spp.

Gendas are in rich yellow and orange tones and are a symbol of purity. Farmers grow these blossoms all over India, but they are more prominently grown in the southern states.

2. Sunflower (Surajmukhi)

Sunflower Best Yellow Flowers in India

Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus

Did you know these yellow flowers can follow the sun’s movement? Sunflowers were introduced from North America and are now widely found in Maharashtra and Karnataka.

3. Yellow Hibiscus (Gudhal)

Yellow Hibiscus flower pot near window

Botanical Name: Hibiscus flavus

Gudhals have beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers and are native to India. The Hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia, but in India, it’s belong to Lord Vishnu and offered in prayers.

4. Golden Shower Tree (Amaltas)

Golden Shower Tree

Botanical Name: Cassia fistula

Amaltas trees are full of cascading yellow flowers and are grown across the country. They are local to the Himalayas and symbolize springtime. They turn golden just before falling.

Here are more Trees with Yellow Flowers

5. Yellow Oleander (Kaner)

Yellow Oleander flower pot in garden

Botanical Name: Thevetia peruviana

The Kaner yellow flower plants are associated with Lord Shiva. If you grow these, be careful because they’re highly poisonous plants.

6. Chrysanthemum (Guldavdi)

Chrysanthemum flower pot on beside entrance

Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum morifolium

Guldavdi comes in many shades, with yellow being one of the prettiest. They’re easy to grow, have medicinal properties, and are often seen in hills and cooler regions.

7. Dahlia (Dahaliya)

Dahliaflower pot on table best yellow flower in india

Botanical Name: Dahlia pinnata

For those seeking Indian yellow flowers that can truly be enjoyed, Dahlias are an excellent choice. They’re wonderful for bouquets, bloom from December to April, and have edible tubers.

8. Calendula (Gule Ashrafi)

Calendula best flower in india

Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis

Calendulas have yellow-orange flowers that look like daisies and have an herbal scent. They grow easily in Indian cooler regions – Uttarakhand and Himachal and are helpful in Ayurveda for healing skin irritations.

9. Yellow Jasmine (Peeli Chameli)

Yellow Jasmine flower pot near chair

Botanical Name: Jasminum nudiflorum

Jasmine are tiny star-shaped flowers can be pale or deep yellow in shade and have a sweet fragrance. Chameli is cultivated in many parts of India but is mostly found in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

10. Yellow Passionflower (Jhumko Lata)

Yellow Passionflower yellow flower

Botanical Name: Passiflora lutea

These flowers have a fringed appearance and a faded canary color. They often grow wild along the Western Ghats and in North Eastern India.

11. Persian Yellow Rose

Persian Yellow Rose near fence

Botanical Name: Rosa foetida

These have double blooms and bright yellow petals. The plant is quite common in all of West Asia and grow wild in Ladakh and Lahaul.

Pick out the Best Yellow Flowers for Your Yard with our article

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