How to Grow Jau in Navratri Easily

Last Updated: 11.03.2024
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Learn the art of nurturing barley during this festive season and plant your own abundance with our tips on How to grow Jau in Navratri!

Jau in Navratri

Also popular as barley, Jau is a cereal grain that belongs to the grass family. Barley has been helpful for food and animal feed for thousands of years and to produce beer and whiskey. Here’s a complete guide and information about growing Jau in Navratri.

Jau Information

Barley is a rich source of dietary fiber, protein, and various vitamins and minerals. It is low in fat and calories, making it a good choice for people trying to lose weight. Barley is also gluten-free, making it a suitable grain for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It is an essential crop in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Jau is a versatile grain helpful in various soups, stews, salads, and breakfast cereals. It can also be ground into flour and helpful to make bread, cookies, and other baked goods.

In traditional Indian cuisine, Jau in Navratri as a fasting food. It prepares in various ways, such as barley khichdi, barley porridge, and barley chapati. Barley water is also a popular drink during Navratri as it is believe to have cooling properties and help digestion.

Botanical Name: Hordeum ulgare

Jau commonly popular by various names in different Indian languages:

Hindi: जौ (Jau)
Tamil: யவக்கிழங்கு (Yavak Kilangu)
Telugu: జావు (Javu)
Kannada: ಬರಗು (Baragu)
Malayalam: യവക്ക് (Yavakku)
Bengali: যব (Job)
Marathi: जव (Jav)
Gujarati: જો (Jo)
Punjabi: ਜੌ (Jau)
Odia: ଜଉ (Jau)

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How to Grow Jau in Navratri?

 Here are the steps to grow Jau in Navratri:

  • Soak the barley seeds in water for 6-8 hours.
  • Take a small pot or a tray and fill it with soil.
  • Sprinkle the soaked barley seeds over the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil.
  • Water the soil gently, making sure not to disturb the seeds.
  • Place the pot or tray in a sunny area, preferably near a window.
  • Water the soil regularly, ensuring it doesn’t dry out completely.
  • Within a few days, you should start to see sprouts.
  • Continue to water the sprouts regularly, and within 7-10 days, you should have a fully grown jaw.

Requirements to Grow Jau in Navratri

Jau in Navratri 2


Barley requires full sun to grow properly. It needs at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive. If the barley plant does not get enough sunlight, it may not grow as tall, have smaller heads, or have a lower yield.

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Jau prefers well-drained soil with a pH range between 6.0 and 8.0. The soil should be rich in organic matter and have good water retention. The soil should also be free from weeds and debris. Sandy loam, loam, and clay loam soils are best for growing barley.


Barley needs consistent moisture throughout its growing season. It requires about 20-30 inches of water during its growing period. However, it is essential not to overwater the barley crop, as it can lead to fungal diseases.

Irrigation should be done when the soil is dry to a depth of two to three inches.


Jau can tolerate cool temperatures better than other cereal crops. It prefers a temperature range of 15-21°C during the day and 4-10°C at night. Barley can grow in cooler temperatures and is often grown in the winter in some regions.

Jau Care


Barley requires nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to grow. Nitrogen is need in the highest amount and should be applied as urea or ammonium nitrate.

The amount of fertilizer required depends on the soil fertility and the variety of barley being grown. A soil test can help determine the exact amount of fertilizer needed.

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Prune Jau in Navratri by removing dead or diseased leaves and ensuring proper spacing between plants for optimal growth and harvest. This promotes healthier crops and a bountiful harvest season.

Pests and Diseases

Common pests that can affect barley include aphids, mites, and wireworms. Aphids and mites can be controlled using insecticidal soap, while wireworms can be controlled by using insecticides.

Common diseases that can affect barley include powdery mildew, rust, and scald. These diseases can be prevented by planting resistant varieties, crop rotation, and proper irrigation.

Importance of Jau in Navratri

  • Jau is believe to have purifying properties that help to detoxify the body. Jau in Navratri, when people fast and abstain from consuming certain foods, jau is consume to cleanse the body.
  • Barley is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It is also low in fat and cholesterol, making it a healthy grain to consume during fasting.
  • Jau has been helpful in traditional Indian cooking for centuries and is a staple food in many regions. Jau in Navratri is used to make various traditional dishes, such as jau ki roti, jau ka halwa, and jau ki kheer.
  • Jau in Navratri is offered as a form of worship to the goddess Durga. Providing the goddess’s jaw is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.
  • Jau belongs to the harvest season and symbolizes the Earth’s fertility. Consuming Jau in Navratri is believed to ensure a good harvest season and bring prosperity to the land
  • Jau in Navratri, devotees honor the goddess Durga, who is believed to have defeated the demon Mahishasura after a nine-day battle. The nine days of Navratri symbolize the nine forms of the goddess, with each day associated with a different color, symbol, and offering. On the seventh day, devotees offer jau as a form of worship to the goddess Kalaratri.

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