How to Grow Cow Foot Plant | Piper Umbellatum Care

Last Updated: 11.03.2024

Want to grow your own Cow Foot Plant? This helpful advice will have your Piper Umbellatum flourishing in no time!

 Cow Foot Plant

Although it may not be a household name, Piper Umbellatum is a fascinating plant with a unique appearance and a wide range of uses. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of the Cow Foot Plant and explore the various aspects of growing and caring for it. 

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Cow Foot Plant Information 

Cow Foot Plant is a deciduous tree that is native to India and Southeast Asia but can now be found in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Piper Umbellatum gets its name from the unique shape of its leaves, which resemble the shape of a cow’s foot. It also produces beautiful, showy flowers in shades of pink, purple, and white. 

Apart from its aesthetic appeal, Cow Foot Plant also has medicinal properties. The tree’s roots, leaves, and bark are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, such as diarrhea, dysentery, and wounds. Overall, Cow Foot Plant is a fascinating and versatile tree that offers both beauty and medicinal benefits.

Botanical Name: Piper umbellatum

Common Names: Bauhinia Variegata or Butterfly Tree 

How to Propagate Cow Foot Plant?

  • Firstly, choose a healthy Cow Foot Plant with several stems. 
  • Cut a stem that is about 4-6 inches long with a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears. 
  • Remove the leaves from the bottom 2 inches of the stem, leaving only a few leaves at the top. 
  • Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder to encourage root growth. 
  • Plant the stem in a pot filled with moist potting soil. 
  • Cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect and retain moisture. 
  • Place the pot in a warm, bright location, but out of direct sunlight. 
  • Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. 
  • After about 4-6 weeks, check for root growth by gently tugging on the stem. If there is resistance, roots have developed. 
  • Once the roots have developed, remove the plastic bag and move the plant to a slightly larger pot with fresh potting soil. 

Requirements to Grow Cow Foot Plant 

 Cow Foot Plant 2


For optimal growth and flowering, it’s best to provide at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. In hotter climates, Piper Umbellatum may benefit from some afternoon shade to protect it from scorching.

If you are growing Cow Foot Plant indoors, make sure to place it near a sunny window that receives direct sunlight for several hours a day. Alternatively, you can provide artificial light using a grow light that mimics natural sunlight. 


Cow Foot Plant prefers well-draining, sandy, or loamy soils that are rich in organic matter. The soil pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, with a range of 6.0 to 7.5. Piper Umbellatum can tolerate a wide range of soil types but performs best in well-drained soils. 


Cow Foot Plant requires moderate watering, and the soil should be kept moist but not waterlogged. During the dry season, it should be watered more frequently. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it is essential to ensure good drainage. 


Piper Umbellatum grows well in tropical and subtropical climates and prefers temperatures ranging from 15°C to 35°C (59°F to 95°F). It can tolerate mild frost but may experience leaf drops in extreme cold conditions. 

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Cow Foot Plant Care 



It prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. You can fertilize Piper Umbellatum with a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) once a month during the growing season (spring to fall) to encourage healthy growth and flowering. Alternatively, you can use a slow-release fertilizer twice a year. 


It can be pruned to control its shape and size, promote branching, and remove dead or damaged wood. Prune your plant in late winter or early spring before new growth appears.

You can also remove any suckers or shoots that emerge from the base of the plant. 

Pest and Diseases 

Piper Umbellatum is generally a hardy plant with few pest and disease problems. However, it can be susceptible to scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites.

You can control these pests by spraying the plant with a solution of neem oil or insecticidal soap. Watch out for fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and rust, which can be treated with a fungicide spray. 

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