How to Grow Arhul ka Ped | Growing Gudhal

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Arhul ka Ped is a must addition to any garden, thanks to its mesmerizing blooms and easy to maintain nature. Let’s have a look in detail!

Arhul ka Ped
shutterstock/Brit O’Donnell

The Arhul ka Ped is quite a common sight in India and you must have noticed it in every garden, standing tall with its beautiful blooms. If you too want to have Gudhal in your plant collection, then continue reading.

Check Out How to Grow Vidya Ka Ped here!

Arhul ka Ped in English

Arhul ka Ped in English is popular as Hibiscus. Although, the plant is famous as other names in different parts of India.

Gudhal Information

With over 200 species and many more cultivars in the genus, hibiscus flowers can reach 6-10 inches in diameter when mature and come in a wide range of colors from white to red, pink, yellow, and orange. These attractive flowers can grow well in full sun or partial shade and do best in moist, well-draining soil.

According to a research, using Gudhal flowers in tea could effectively lower blood pressure in patients with stage 1 hypertension.

How to Grow Arhul ka Ped?

Growing Gudhal is really easy using cuttings and seeds. However, both these methods can be time-consuming so it would be a great idea to get a well-grown plant from a nearby nursery and then transplant it into the garden.

Check Out How to Grow Kathal ka Ped here

Requirements to Grow Arhul Ka Ped

Arhul ka Ped 2


Arhul ka Ped loves to grow in bright sunlight. If you want the best flowers, make sure it gets a minimum of 6-7 hours of bright sunlight every day. Keeping the plant in shade won’t result in bigger size blooms.

Just keep the simple rule in mind, the more sunlight it will get, the better it will be for the growth and flowers.


These plants can grow best in well-draining and fertile soil. Arhul ka Ped prefers a slightly acidic growing medium to grow the best flowers.

Amend the garden soil with plenty of coco peat and vermicompost at the time of planting. Do not forget to mix a handful or more of cow dung manure too.


Hibiscus is not much fussy when it comes to watering. Moisten the growing medium only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Refrain from watering the plant daily as it can cause root rot. .

Check Out How to Grow Mahua ka Ped in India here

Arhul Ka Ped Care



Feed Arhul ka Ped with a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once a month for better blooms with good color.

Fish emulsion and seaweed extract are also good options, which you can use once in 2 months.

You can also add some crushed eggshells and used tea leaves in the soil every month to boost growth.


Prune dead and damaged leaves from the plant from time to time. This will keep it looking good while making sure every part of the plant gets the right sunlight and air circulation.

Pests & Diseases

The plant will remain disease and pest free if it gets plenty of sunlight and air circulation. Keep an eye on aphids, whiteflies, and red spider mites. You can spray the plant with insecticidal soap and repeat it every 3-5 days until you notice no more pests.

Check Out How to Grow Jamun ka Ped here

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