Cosmos Flower Season in India

Last Updated: 29.02.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Take the help of our Cosmos Flower Season in India guide to learn the best time to plant these lovely blooms!

Cosmos Flower Season in India

When’s Cosmos Flower Season in India? – if you have this doubt, we’re here to help you out with all the right information.

Cosmos Flower Information

Cosmos flowers are beautiful flowers with bright colors and a daisy-like appearance. They’re native to Mexico and Central and South America but were introduced to India during the colonial period and have since become naturalized in many parts of the country.

You’ll often find these in the hilly regions of Himachal, Uttarakhand, and the North-Eastern states. They’re also seen in plains and gardens across the country because they don’t need much care and have a long blooming season.

These plants have lance-shaped leaves and beautiful flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, and white. There’s even a rich chocolate shade that is difficult to find, but you can check your local nurseries for its availability.

Common Names: Mexican Aster, Tall Cosmos, Cut Leaf Cosmos, Garden Cosmos

Cosmos Flower Season in India

Cosmos Flower Season in India 2

Cosmos flowers bloom during the rainy (monsoon) season, so you can expect these flowers from July to September.

Cosmos flowers need warm to moderate temperatures, typically 10°C to 35°C, to thrive. If the temperatures drop, they enter dormancy. Also, they need longer daylight hours for flowering, which is not possible during spring and winter because the sun sets sooner and the daylight hours become less.

However, they do bloom during the winter months (December to February) but only in Eastern and North-Eastern India. This is because those states experience milder winters and warm, sunny springs compared to other parts of the country. These conditions are favorable for Cosmos growth and flowering.

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Blooming Time for Different Cosmos Varieties

Confused about the variety you should plant in your home to enjoy the longest cosmos flowering season? Here are the best ones and their flowering months.

1. Garden Cosmos

Common Cosmos Species Flowering Seasons

Botanical Name: Cosmos bipinnatus

These are the most common Cosmos you’ll find in local nurseries. They have showy flowers and bloom throughout the summer and autumn (July to September).

2. Sulphur Cosmos

Cosmos Flower Season in India

Botanical Name: Cosmos sulphureus

This variety has lovely daisy-like flowers in a yellow or orange shade. Sulphur Cosmos flowers also bloom from July to September.

3. Ulam Raja

Common Cosmos Species Flowering Seasons 3

Botanical Name: Cosmos caudatus

The Ulam Raja Cosmos has tall stems and distinct flowers with protruding centers. They bloom in late summer and keep blooming till the end of autumn (July to November).

Fun Fact: Did you know? These flowers are edible – they have anti-aging agents and keep the bones healthy. 

4. Chocolate Cosmos

Chocolate Cosmos is so named because it has deep red-brown flowers with velvety petals. They also bloom slightly later in the season – from summer to early winter (August to December). They’re a bit challenging to find, so your best bet is to purchase their seeds online.

When to Plant Cosmos Flowers

The most common varieties you’ll come across are Garden Cosmos and Sulphur Cosmos. Here’s when you should plant them to align with the Cosmos flower season.

  • Garden Cosmos: It thrives throughout most of the country and has a 50-60 day blooming period after sowing seeds. Sow the seeds in May-June for blooms in July-September. In some regions with mild winters, you can also sow them in mid-September for blooms from December to February.
  • Yellow Cosmos: You can plant these at the same time as Garden Cosmos. Just avoid planting it in scorching summers if you live in the Western states. That’s because its success is limited, especially in regions like Madhya Pradesh and Delhi as the temperature crosses the 35°C mark.

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