25 Flowers That Bloom All Year Round | Permanent Flowering Plants

Last Updated: 30.05.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Do you want a garden that remains colorful all the time? You can grow these Flowers That Bloom All Year Round!

Forget flowers that take a vacation every few months because we’re about to take you into the world of plants that bloom nonstop! That’s right, these amazing varieties keep the party going from January to December. Stay tuned!

Gorgeous Flowers That Bloom Year Round

1. Rose (गुलाब)

Flowers That Bloom All Year Round

Botanical Name: Rosa

There are climbing roses that can crawl up your walls, short and bushy ones perfect for pots, and even big ones with huge, showy flowers. The best part? Unlike many places, with a little care, you can actually get roses to bloom most of the year.

2. Lantana (रायमुनिया)

Botanical Name: Lantana camara

This flowering shrub might seem like a friendly garden buddy with its colorful blooms, but it’s actually a bit of a sneaky one. Introduced years ago to the country, it’s now spread like crazy, taking over some wild areas. It loves wild climates and keeps flowering all around the year. Lantana is a toxic plant so don’t grow it if you have pets or children.

3. Adenium (कुडू)

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Botanical Name: Adenium obesum

Desert roses have thick, cool trunks that almost look like little elephants’ feet. The real showstopper, though? The flowers! They come in all sorts of shades, like pink, red, and even white, and look like big, fancy trumpets. With some sunshine and not too much water, they can bloom pretty much year-round. They’re great indoor flowering plants!

4. Bougainvillea (बोगेनवेलिया)

Botanical Name: Bougainvillea glabra

If you need all year round flowers, plant a Bougainvillea. Bougainvillea is a low-maintenance superstar. Give it some well-drained soil, some water when the soil feels dry, and a spot with plenty of sunshine, and it’ll reward you with those stunning blooms.

5. Hibiscus (गुड़हल)

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Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hibiscuses are truly flowers for all seasons. Why, well these plants bloom all year. Plus, you can find them in whites, yellows, reds and pinks. You can also grow it in pots if you want. What more could you want?

6. Ixora (रग्मिनी)

Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea

Ixora is a gorgeous flowering shrub that’s practically a legend in South India. The glossy leaves are evergreen, and the real magic comes in the clusters of star-shaped flowers. Plant it once, and it will keep flowering for most months of the year.

Fun Fact: Did you know? Ixora’s name in Hindi, Rugmini, comes from the name of the goddess Rukmini, who was also the first queen of Krishna in Dwaraka.

7. Crossandra (प्रियदर्शा)

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Botanical Name: Crossandra infundibuliformis

You might also know it as the Firecracker plant, and it’s named so for a good reason–the fiery orange flowers that bloom on it all year round actually remind you of fireworks in the sky. If you’re growing it, give it rich, loamy, and well-draining soil.

8. Kalanchoes

Botanical Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Kalanchoe, these are the cute little succulents you might see in nurseries or at a friend’s place. They have thick, fleshy leaves that store water, so they don’t need constant watering. They also have clusters of flowers in bright reds, oranges, yellows, and even pinks that bloom all around the year.

9. Crown of Thorns

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Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii

It’s a popular choice for homes here because it’s tough as nails! The Crown of Thorns plant has thick stems with thorns, but don’t worry, they’re more for show than anything. Unlike many flowering plants in India, with a little sunshine and care, Christ Plants can bloom pretty much year-round. Indoors and outdoors! Be careful–it’s milky sap can irritate skin and eyes. 

10. Tiobouchina (बेगम बहार)

Botanical Name: Tibouchina urvilleana

Tiobouchina! You might know it by its more common name in India, Begum Bahar, which means “Queen of Spring.” This flowering shrub is a real looker, with clusters of stunning purple blooms that erupt all over the plant. And that, too, for most of the year. Cool, right?

11. Jasmine (चमेली)

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Botanical Name: Jasminum

Do you want flowers that bloom all year round and fill up your lawn with a sweet, sweet smell? Plant Chameli! It’s easy to grow and will give you tons of pretty white flowers. Do pinch the plant for a bushier growth.

12. Golden Trumpet (पिलाघंती)

Botanical Name: Allamanda cathartica

Golden Trumpet thrives in the heat, needing just a good watering and some bright, indirect sunlight (think morning sun) to keep blooming. Train it up a trellis or let it cascade over a pot; it will flower for most of the year.

13. Butterfly Pea (अपराजित)

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Botanical Name: Clitoria ternatea

Butterfly Peas have flowers that look like pretty blue butterflies. You can find these permanent flowering plants in India in shades of cobalt blue and white. The best part? The flowers are edible! They can be steeped in hot water to make a stunning blue tea that’s not only pretty but good for you, too.

14. Begonia

Botanical Name: Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum

Begonias are lovely plants and feature simple yet elegant white and pink flowers. Just remember, keep them out of harsh sunlight and don’t overwater them, and these little troopers will reward you with beauty for months to come.

15. Verbena

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Botanical Name: Verbena hybrida

Verbenas come in a rainbow of colors–red, pink, purple, blue, you name it. And they bloom in clusters that attract plenty of butterflies. They might not survive the winter in a few parts where it is too cold, but they’re easy to grow from seeds, so you can always start fresh next season.

16. Marvel-of-Peru (गुल अब्बास)

Botanical Name: Mirabilis jalapa

Also known as Four O’clock, Marvel of Peru blooms red, white, yellow, and pink trumpet-shaped flowers that stay alive all year. You can easily find it in a local nursery, and it will grow quickly, giving you a lovely fragrance.

17. Periwinkle (Sadabahar)

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Botanical Name: Catharanthus roseus

Periwinkle is an evergreen plant and grows easily in a variety of environmental conditions. It is also drought-resistant and looks amazing in the garden. Villagers in India grow this plant to control soil erosion, but you can grow it in the garden as well. It will keep flowering all year round.

18. Leadworts

Botanical Name: Plumbago indica

The other name of this evergreen shrub is Plumbago. Its sky-blue colors, flowers, and bright green leaves will add a lovely vibe to your garden or home. Give it full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil, and it will stay healthy and keep flowering.

19. Plumeria (चंपा)

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Botanical Name: Plumeria rubra

Plumeria puts on a show of gorgeous blooms in all sorts of colors, like white, yellow, pink, and even red. The flowers give off a sweet, intoxicating fragrance, especially at night, making your whole balcony or garden smell amazing. Care for them, and they can bloom for most of the year.

20. Water Lily (नौचाली)

Botanical Name: Nymphaea

Water lilies are perfectly suited for India’s climate. These year-long flowers need their roots in the water but also some sunshine, so find a happy medium when planting them.

21. Oleander (कनेर)

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Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

Oleander is a beautiful shrub with a surprising toughness. It’s a plant that can handle anything–the heat, the dust, barely any water. That’s why you see them everywhere, lining roads and beaches. Plus, they bloom for most of the year. Grow it carefully because all parts of this plant are very poisonous and can be fatal if ingested.

22. Marigold (गेंदे)

Botanical Name: Tagetes

This cheerful flower isn’t just about bright orange and yellow colors, though those are stunning for sure. Genda phools are everywhere in India, from weddings to temples. Make sure you don’t overwater them and they’ll flower for most months of the year.

23. King’s Mantle

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Botanical Name: Thunbergia erecta

King’s Mantle is a beautiful shrub that grows tall and proud, with stunning deep purple flowers that look like little trumpets. It blooms all year round and actually puts on a flower show during the cooler months when many other plants are taking a break.

24. Mussaenda

Botanical Name: Mussaenda erythrophylla

Mussaenda is an evergreen shrub with beautiful, delicate flowers, usually yellow or gold, but the real star of the show is a big, colourful petal right next to it. Mussaenda loves the warm weather, so it blooms happily throughout most of the year here.

25. Canna Lilly (केली)

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Botanical Name: Canna

Canna Lilies usually flower from May to October, but with the right care, they can be flowers that bloom all year round. Give them full sun and moist soil, and they’ll be fine! Pretty simple, right?

5 thoughts on “25 Flowers That Bloom All Year Round | Permanent Flowering Plants”

  1. Hello,
    I want buy following plants
    Botanical Name: Lantana camara
    Indian Name: Raimunia

    Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
    Indian Name: Gudhal ke Phul

    Botanical Name: Ixora coccinea
    Indian Name: Rugmini

    Botanical Name: Crossandra infundibuliformis
    Indian Name: Priyadarsha

    Christ Plant
    Botanical Name: Euphorbia milii
    Indian Name: Millii

    Botanical Name: Tibouchina urvilleana
    Indian Name: Begum Bahar

    Botanical Name: Jasminum
    Indian Name: Chameli

    Golden Trumpet
    Botanical Name: Allamanda cathartica
    Indian Name: Pilaghanti

    Botanical Name: Verbena hybrida
    Indian Name: Barbena

    Botanical Name: Mirabilis jalapa
    Indian Name: Gul abbas

    Botanical Name: Plumbago indica
    Indian Name: Nila Chitrak

    Water Lily

    Botanical Name: Nymphaea
    Indian Name: Nouchali


    Botanical Name: Nerium oleander
    Indian Name: Kaner

    King’s Mantle
    Botanical Name: Thunbergia erecta
    Indian Name: Balam khira
    Please guide me


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