How to Grow Terminalia Mantaly | Madagascar Almond Care

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Terminalia Mantaly is a great evergreen specimen that you can grow in the garden. Here are all the details about growing Madagascar Almond!

Terminalia Mantaly

Terminalia Mantaly can provide you with most of the benefits of a regular canopy tree but reduces the hassle of maintenance by quite a bit. Continue reading to know more about Madagascar Almond Tree.

Learn how to grow wild indian almond here

Information on Terminalia Mantaly

Terminalia mantaly is a tree species native to the island of Madagascar.

  • Size: Terminalia mantaly is a medium to large-sized tree that can reach heights of up to 20-30 meters (65-100 feet) tall.
  • Trunk and Bark: Madagascar Almond Tree has a straight, sturdy trunk with smooth, grayish-brown bark.
  • Leaves: The leaves of Terminalia mantaly are simple, alternate, and elliptical in shape, measuring around 8-15 cm long. They are glossy green in color.
  • Flowers: Terminalia mantaly produces small, inconspicuous, cream-colored flowers that grow in clusters.
  • Fruits: The fruits of Terminalia mantaly are round or ovoid drupes that turn from green to brown when mature. Each fruit contains a single seed.

Botanical Name: Terminalia Mantaly

Common Names: Madagascar Almond, Umbrella Tree

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Propagation of Terminalia Mantaly


Propagation methods for Terminalia mantaly may vary depending on the availability of seeds or plant materials. Here are general steps you can follow for propagating Madagascar Almond Tree:

  1. If you have access to Terminalia mantaly seeds, collect ripe seeds from healthy trees. Ensure the seeds are fully matured and have a hard outer shell.
  2. Remove the seeds from the fruit pulp, as the pulp can inhibit germination. Clean the seeds by rinsing them with water and removing any debris.
  3. Madagascar Almond Treeseeds often have hard seed coats that need to be scarified to enhance germination. Scarification can be done by gently nicking or scratching the seed coat using a file or sandpaper. This process allows water to penetrate the seed and promote germination.
  4. After scarification, soak the Terminalia mantaly seeds in water for 24 to 48 hours. This helps soften the seed coat and improve water absorption.
  5. Fill pots or seed trays with a well-draining potting mix. Plant the pre-soaked seeds about 1-2 centimeters deep into the soil, spacing them appropriately. Cover the seeds lightly with soil.
  6. Place the pots or trays in a warm and bright location, preferably with indirect sunlight.
  7. Terminalia mantaly seeds can take several weeks to months to germinate. Keep the soil consistently moist during this period. Once germination occurs, continue providing suitable growing conditions. As the Madagascar Almond Tree seedlings grow, gradually expose them to more direct sunlight.

Requirements to Grow Terminalia Mantaly

Terminalia Mantaly 2


Madagascar Almond Tree typically thrives in full sun to partial shade conditions. It prefers a bright and sunny location that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Adequate sunlight is essential for the tree’s photosynthesis process and overall growth. However, some protection from intense midday sun or scorching temperatures.


Terminalia mantaly needs well-draining soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH. It prefers soil that is rich in organic matter and has good moisture retention while allowing excess water to drain away.

The ideal soil should be loamy or sandy, providing aeration to the roots. It is important to avoid waterlogged or compacted soils, as they can lead to root rot and hinder the tree’s growth.


Madagascar Almond Tree requires regular and consistent watering, especially during its establishment phase. While the tree is young and establishing its root system, it benefits from frequent watering to keep the soil evenly moist.

As it matures, Terminalia mantaly becomes more drought-tolerant.

Check out these watering tips and tricks here


Terminalia mantaly is well adapted to tropical and subtropical climates with warm to hot temperatures. It prefers temperatures ranging from 20 to 35°C (68 to 95°F) for optimal growth.

Madagascar Almond Tree is sensitive to frost and cannot withstand freezing temperatures, so it should be planted in regions where the minimum temperatures do not drop below 5°C (41°F).


Terminalia mantaly generally thrives in areas with high humidity levels. It prefers a humid environment with relative humidity ranging between 60% and 80%. Adequate humidity helps to promote healthy growth, foliage development, and overall vigor of Madagascar Almond Tree.

Care for Terminalia Mantaly



Terminalia mantaly benefits from regular and balanced fertilization to support its growth and development. Apply a slow-release, balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) of around 10-10-10 or similar.

Recommend fertilizing is in early spring or during the active growing season.

Learn why fertilizers and manures are beneficial to plants here


The process of pruning Terminalia mantaly is beneficial for maintaining its shape, promoting healthy growth, and managing its size. Prune Terminalia mantaly during the dormant season or in early spring before new growth emerges.

Start by removing any dead, damaged, or diseased branches. Thin out crowded branches to improve airflow and reduce the risk of fungal infections.

Pests and Diseases

Terminalia mantaly can be susceptible to various pests and diseases, and vigilance is necessary for maintaining its health. Common pests that may affect this species include aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and caterpillars.

Terminalia mantaly can be susceptible to fungal infections, such as leaf spot diseases and root rot.

Madagascar Almond Tree Uses

  • Timber: The wood of Terminalia mantaly is highly valued for its strength and durability. It is used for various purposes, such as construction, furniture making, and boat building.
  • Traditional Medicine: In Madagascar, various parts of the tree, including the bark, leaves, and roots, are used in traditional medicine to treat ailments such as diarrhea, stomachaches, and respiratory problems.
  • Shade and Ornamental: The tree’s large size and dense foliage make it suitable for providing shade in gardens or parks. Additionally, its attractive form and glossy leaves make it an appealing ornamental tree.

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