How to Care for Laxmi Kamal | Sempervivum Care

Last Updated: 26.12.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Sempervivum makes for a great small plant that you can keep anywhere in your home and garden. Let’s have a look at How to Care for Laxmi Kamal easily!

How to Care for Laxmi Kamal

If you want to grow a cute little plant that stands out with its colorful rosette, then Sempervivum is one of the best choices! Here’s a detailed guide on How to Care for Laxmi Kamal with the best tips and tricks!

Buy Laxmi Kamal Plant at best Price from Here

Laxmi Kamal Plant Information

Laxmi Kamal or sempervivum is a succulent with striking rosettes of fleshy leaves. Thanks to its compact form, you can grow it in small pots, hanging baskets, or practically anywhere!  This hardy plant is easy to care for and does not mind some neglect, making it a boon for busy gardeners.

Check out our article on growing Laxmi Kamal here

How to Propogate Laxmi Kamal Plant?

You can easily propogate this plant via leaf-cutting. Snip off a healthy leaf from one of the rosettes and let it dry for a couple of days to form a callus.

Fill a container with a succulent potting mix and place the leaf-cutting with the cut portion slightly tucked inside the soil. Mist it generously, and place it in the indirect sunlight. New shoots will be visible within 7-14 days.

How to Care for Laxmi Kamal?



Laxmi kamal grows best in 2-3 hours of direct morning sun with afternoon shade. You can keep it in direct light for a few hours a day but make sure to protect it from the harsh afternoon sun.


It can tolerate underwatering like most other succulents. Water the plant deeply, only when the top 2- inches of the soil feels dry to touch. Avoid overwatering the plant as it can lead to root rot.


Use a potting mix specifically designed for succulents and cacti. You can also DIY  by blending equal parts of potting soil, sand, and perlite/ pumice. Also, add a bit of cocopeat.


The tropical climate of India works in the favor of Laxmi kamal. This succulent does well in temperature between15-35 C.


Feed the plant only during the growing months of spring and summer using a balanced liquid fertilizer at the quarter strength. Refer to the label for instructions.

Pests and Diseases

The only thing you need to be careful about is overwatering, as it can lead to many diseases and root rot. The plant is usually safe from pests as long as you keep it at a bright location with plenty of air circulation.

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