How to Grow Laxmi Kamal in India | Growing Sempervivum

Last Updated: 28.12.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

If you love growing succulents, then this beautiful Sempervivum must be on your list! Have a look at How to Grow Laxmi Kamal in India.

How to Grow Laxmi Kamal in India

Leatherpetal is an evergreen mat-forming succulent. It forms a rosette made up of ovate green leaves with a pointy pink tip. It looks great in rock gardens and containers with tiny pink flowers in summer! Let’s have a look at How to Grow Laxmi Kamal in India.

Botanical Name: Graptopetalum macdougallii

Here are the easiest to grow succulents in India

How to Grow Laxmi Kamal

You can propagate Sempervivum from offsets and leaf-cuttings. Snip off a healthy, green leaf or cut the offshoot growing at the side of the mother plant. Let the cuttings dry for a couple of days so that they form a callus.

Fill half of the pot with a well-draining potting mix and place the cutting on it. Add more soil to secure the cutting. Mist it thoroughly and keep the container in the bright but indirect sunlight.

Note: It is always a good idea to get a plant from a local nursery. Or, you can purchase it online from the Indiagardening seller on Amazon.

Growing Requirement of Laxmi Kamal


Like most succulents, Laxmi kamal does best when nurtured with 3-5 hours of bright but indirect sunlight. The delicate leaves may burn if exposed to the hot afternoon Indian sun for a long duration.


Water the soil deeply only when the top 2-3 inches of the soil feel dry to touch. Make sure to never overwater the Sempervivum plant, as it can lead to root rot that may cause the plant to die.


Any potting mix specially designed for cacti and succulents will do wonders for the plant. You can also use a mixture made from equal parts of soil, sand, and compost. Laxmi kamal requires a bit more nutrients than other succulents, so you can enrich the soil using peat.

We have a great article on making succulent potting soil here


The plant thrives well in the tropical climate of India and can adapt to a wide range of temperatures, though it grows best in the range of 15-35 °C.

Laxmi Kamal Care

How to Grow Laxmi Kamal in India 2


You can feed the plant during early spring with a balanced fertilizer, diluted to half its strength. Apply it during the early morning and always water the soil before application.

Pests and Diseases

The plant may be prone to fungal diseases and root rot. As a precautionary measure, avoid overwatering the plant and let the top 2-3 inches of the soil dry before re-watering. If the rotting is too much, remove it from the pot, let the roots dry in the air for 1-3 days, and then re-pot it again using a fresh potting mix.

Buy Laxmi Kamal Plant at best Price from Here

Significances of Lakshmi Kamal Plant

  1. This hardy succulent is easy to propagate and grow. All you need is do is a healthy leaf, then let it dry out for a few days, and plant it in succulent soil.
  2. This plant is described in Bhgvat Geeta, that every human must perform their duties without any attachment. As the plant’s leaves come together to form a rosette, even the individual leaf when planted in soil regrows in an individual plant.
  3. This plant thrives well in the tropical climate of India. Its leaves store water for the drought period, hence it does not need watering on a regular basis, unlike other plants.
  4. This resilient plant can thrive in a wide range of temperatures, and light conditions, making it a perfect specimen for desktops.

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