How to Grow Heartleaf Ice Plant in India

Published on: 27.02.2024

With its ruffled and variegated foliage, the Heartleaf Ice Plant is a great choice for people looking to add a stand out specimen!

Heartleaf Ice Plants have tons of qualities that will make them your garden favorite. They’re edible and drought-tolerant as well!

Heartleaf Ice Plant Information

Heartleaf Ice Plant Information

The Heartleaf Ice plant comes from the coastal regions of South Africa, but has today spread to many parts of the world, including India. It’s a low-growing succulent with tiny, fleshy, heart-shaped leaves.

It’s perfect for forming a dense mat because it’s a low-maintenance succulent that flowers. They’re small, daisy-like flowers with a pink or red hue. But what makes it a great plant for your home is its versatility. If you give it full sun, the tips of its green leaves turn red. It’s deer-resistant and drought-tolerant as well.

This plant is a great source of vitamins A and C, potassium, manganese, calcium, and zinc – so you can eat it raw in salads or even cook it in a dish.

Botanical Name: Mesembryanthemum cordifolium

Common Names: Baby Sun Rose, Red Aptenia, Dew Plant, Brakvygie, Umjuluka, iBohlololo, Uncolozi Omncane, heart-leaved Aptenia, and Aptenia Heartleaf Ice Plant.

Heartleaf Ice Plant Propagation

Heartleaf Ice Plant Propagation

Pick a 2-3 inch stem cutting that has several leaves. Don’t pick the ones that have flowers because we need the cutting to focus on root formation and not the flowers it already has.

Once you’ve cut it, let it callous (कठोर) over for 24 hours. All you need to do is let it dry away from sunlight in a tray or napkin. Now, take a small pot with a succulent potting mix and make a small hole in it. Place the cutting in it so the node is buried under the soil, and give it a good mist with a spray bottle. Keep this pot in a warm location that gets plenty of sunlight, and you’ll see it growing roots in 10-15 days. That’s it.

You can also grow the cutting in water. Just put it in a glass of clean water, change it every 2-3 days and you’ll see the plants develop roots in a couple of weeks. When it does, you can transfer the heartleaf ice plant to the pot.

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Requirements for Growing Heartleaf Ice Plant

Requirements for Growing Heartleaf Ice Plant


These plants love direct light and will thank you with lovely red tips on the leaves if you give them at least 6-8 hours of bright sun. Don’t worry; it can survive the harsh Indian summer as well!


Regular garden soil isn’t the best for this plant, but here’s a soil mix tailored for these.

  • 2 parts garden soil (मिट्टी) for the base
  • 1 part coarse sand (मोटा रेत) for drainage
  • 1/2 part compost (खाद) for organic matter

Mix all of these in a large container and use it as the potting soil for your plant.


Keep your plant well-watered. If you do it too much, the overwatering will lead to root rot. So give it a good soak and leave it for 2-3 days, sometimes even more. Only water again when the soil is dry to the touch. Not before that.


Baby sun roses need temperatures of 15°C to 35°C to grow and flower properly. These are coastal plants, so they can tolerate humidity spikes as well. But not too much – that will lead to fungal issues.

Heartleaf Ice Plant Care

Heartleaf Ice Plant Care


These plants are not heavy feeders and don’t need fertilizing that often. Just take a handful of well-rotted cow dung manure (गोबर खाद) and add it to the soil once in 2-3 months. That’s it. Don’t forget to water it afterward.

Pests and Diseases

You won’t have to worry about pests or diseases either if you’re taking proper care of the plant. Mealybugs or aphids might appear occasionally so use a neem oil spray to get rid of those.

Don’t worry about any diseases – just keep an eye out for watering it properly. Don’t overwater (अत्यधिक पानी देना).

How to Eat Heartleaf Ice Plant

These plants have a mild, slightly salty, and tangy flavor (नमकीन और तीखा). You can eat them raw in salads like you eat cucumbers and onions, or even cook them (हल्का सा भून के).

 But they’re best enjoyed raw. The older leaves turn sour, so it’s best to pick the young leaves because they’re crisp and juicy.

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