What to Do with Overwatered Succulents

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Here’s everything you need to know on What to Do with Overwatered Succulents so that you can save them on time from dying.

What to Do with Overwatered Succulents

Succulents don’t mind neglect, need minimal attention, and still look exceptionally stunning. However, most people end up watering them too often, and this results in bad growth and also their death. So, if you’re one of them too, here’s What to Do with Overwatered Succulents.

Signs of Overwatering 

  1. The leaves of the overwatered succulents are very mushy, soft, and squishy.
  2. They gradually become discolored and turn almost translucent.
  3. The leaves easily break apart on touching, as excess water breaks their cell wall.
  4. The stems become squishy too.
  5. The leaves near the bottom of the plant take a brown hue.

What to Do with Overwatered Succulents

It is always best to spot the overwatered succulent signs as early as possible before it rots.

1. Remove from the Soil

Dig out the overwatered succulent plant from a container and remove the excess soil from its roots as it may still be wet and may cause further root rotting.

2. Monitor the Plant

Check for any rotten parts and brown-black roots. Cut back the rotten roots and also remove the rotted leaves.

3. Air Dry the Roots

Leave the plant at any dry and shady place and let the roots dry up. It can take up to 3-7 days for the same. Make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight exposure.

4. Replant in a Potting Mix

Once the roots are well-dried, replant them back in a container filled with fresh succulent or cacti mix. Do not place them back in the same soil, as it may again raise the overwatering problem.

We have a great article on how to make a potting mix for succulents here

5. Don’t Water Immediately

Wait at least a week before watering the plant again. Check the top few inches of the soil, and if it feels dry, then only water it. Always let the top inches of the soil dry before the next watering.

After a few days, you will notice the growth of the new leaves along the stems. This new growth is the sign that your plant is safe and off the danger now.

What to Do if the Plant is Too Much Affected

What to Do with Overwatered Succulents 2

If you are not careful with the watering, the plant may eventually die. However, you can still use the parts of it to propagate a new plant. 


Look for tender leaves that can be rescued from the plant for propagation. Keep these leaves at any dry and shady place for a couple of days so that they form a callus.

Once the leaves heal, plant them in the fresh potting mix by sticking its broken portion in the soil. Mist the soil regularly and keep it out of the direct sunlight.


You can even salvage the stem from a rotted succulent, but make sure to use green and tender ones and eliminate parts with black or brown discoloration. Similarly, leave it at any dry and shady place to form a callus and then plant it at any pot filled with potting mix for succulents.

Points to Remember 


Instead of sticking to a defined watering schedule, always water after checking the consistency of the soil. Remember ‘less is always good’ in case of succulents. Water only when the top 2 inches of the soil feels dry.


Succulent do not like sitting in the water clogged soil; instead, they love well-draining and aerated soil. So, always go for cactus or succulent mix. You can also DIY it at home by mixing three parts of potting soil, two parts of coarse sand, and one part of perlite.


Succulents can grow in any pot ranging from plastic, glass, terracotta, and ceramic. But, choosing terracotta or ceramic container is a wiser choice, as these materials are breathable, offering better drainage and air circulation.

Whatever pot you choose, make sure it has ample drainage holes. Also, for preventing root rot, you can put a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot.

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