11 Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram

Last Updated: 02.01.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Check out the Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram! You will surely find them doing rounds on social media and they’re the top ones to grow for the ‘likes!’

If you want to show off green specimens in style on your social media handles, then try growing these Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram! They look stunning and are also easy to grow!

Have a look at the best indoor garden pictures from Instagram in India here

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram

1. Snake Plant

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram

Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata

Snake plant is popular for cleaning indoor air and looks beautiful with its long and upright leaves that are deep in green hue with contrasting cream edges. This will surely get you a lot of likes on Instagram!

Learn all about growing Snake Plants in India here

2. Areca Palm


Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens

Also popular as butterfly palm, it looks amazing with lush, green fronds. It is also one of the most potent plants for removing toxic VOCs while bringing tropical vibes indoors.

Check out the amazing benefits of growing Areca Palm here

3. Boston Fern

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram 2

Botanical Name: Dypsis lutescens

What makes Boston fern stand out from the rest is its gracefully arching fronds. It is one of the most popular plants on Instagram and also purifies the air by absorbing VOCs like xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde.

Here are the best types of ferns you can grow in India

4. Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

This evergreen plant is quite popular on Instagram, thanks to its thick, waxy-green leaves with yellow splashes. It is one of the most versatile plants and grows well both indoors and outdoors.

Learn about making your pothos grow huge leaves here

5. Croton

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram 4

Botanical Name: Codiaeum variegatum

Croton is one of the most buzzworthy plants on Instagram today, thanks to its colorful foliage with fascinating red, yellow, green, and orange hues with leaves in lance to oval-shapes.

Have a look at the best types of Crotons you can grow in India here

6. Jade Plant

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

Jade plant features thick, woody stems with green, fleshy leaves. It looks a lot like a miniature tree, making it a stunning addition to homes. Do feature it on your Instagram page for more likes!

Here’s all you need to know about growing Jade plants in India

7. Spider Plant

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram 6

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Spider plant is famous for its long and slender green leaves with white or ivory hues. It is also one of the most potent plants to clear harmful VOCs like xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene from the indoor air.

8. ZZ plant

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Instagram is full of enchanting pictures of the ZZ plant. It displays small, glossy, deep green leaves on the upright stems. This drought-tolerant and undemanding plant grows well in various light conditions.

9. String of Pearls

Botanical Name: Senecio rowleyanus

What makes string of pearls the most favorite of netizens is its cascading showy stems. This succulent has pearl-like round leaves—gardeners on Instagram post creative ways of training the long stems on the hanging pots or baskets.

Here are the best string succulents you can grow in India

10. Weeping Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus benjamina

The plant is popular on Instagram for its shiny, green leaves on the woody branches. Moreover, many people train the trunk in braids or twist them for a stunning look.

11. Rubber Plant

Most Popular Indoor Plants in India According to Instagram 12

Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

The large, velvety leaves displaying a wonderful mix of deep green, maroon, and cream hues make this indoor plant stand out. Different cultivars come with unique foliar patterns or color variegations.

Check out our article on growing Rubber Plant in India here

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