9 Deep Rooted Trees in India | Trees With Deep Roots

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Pondering about which Indian trees have the deepest and strongest root systems inside the soil? Then check out this list of deep-rooted trees in India!

The vast network of the trees generally have two purposes: Go deep in the soil, to accomplish their water and nutrient needs, and to give additional support to the weight of the enormous tree. Talking about the rooting, usually, taproot trees dive deeper into the soil, whereas roots of the trees with fibrous root systems stay shallow in the soil. Let’s know more about the Deep Rooted Trees in India!

1. Banyan Tree

Deep Rooted Trees in India

Botanical Name: Ficus benghalensis

Other Names: Badh, Vat, Bargad, Alai, Banyan fig, Indian Banyan

National tree of India and highly revered by Hindus and Buddhists, the Banyan tree has the deepest roots systems in the soil, comprising of aerial roots. New aerial or prop roots emerge from the trunk and grow vertically downwards after touching the ground and eventually become strong and thick enough for providing the tree with additional support. It is also one of the most oxygen-producing trees in India.

2. Tamarind Tree

Botanical Name: Tamarindus indica

Other Names: Tamarind, Tamarindo, Tamarin, Sampalok, Tamarindus indica, Tamarindo, Tamarin, Tamarinier, Tamarinde, Asam Jawa, Ambli, Imli

Tamarind is a slow-growing tree that can reach up to 70-80 feet height and can spread up to 25-30 feet wide. This tree has an irregularly shaped crown along with a thick trunk. Thanks to its deep rooting system, it stands easily against the stormy condition, working as a windbreak.

3. Peepal Tree

Deep Rooted Trees in India 2

Botanical Name: Ficus religiosa

Other Names: Sacred fig, Bodhi tree, Peepul, Bodhi Vriksha, Ashwathama, Pippol, Plaksha, Pimpala, Pippalam, Aralimara, Piplo

Known for having many medicinal properties according to the Ayurveda, this tree has taproots that travel deep down in the ground. These thick taproots are attached to the trunk to support the tree. This fast-growing tree needs a good space to grow successfully as its roots tend to spread a lot.

4. Neem Tree

Botanical Name: Azadirachta indica

Other Names: Nimtree, Indian lilac, Arishtha, Margosa, Nimba, Nimbay, Dhanujhada, Sengumaru, Veppam Illai

The neem tree has the strongest taproot system underground. It has one primary root that goes deeper into the soil, while the other secondary roots, emerging from it, have lateral growth habit. The primary root can go deeper twice the height of the tree to absorb water and minerals. This helps the tree to stay green in all the seasons.

5. Mango Tree

Deep Rooted Trees in India 3

Botanical Name: Mangifera indica

Other Names: Aam

Belonging to the cashew family, the huge mango trees are also blessed with a deep taproot system. Its primary or main taproot can travel up to 20-25 feet deep in the soil. Apart from growing deeper for searching water, its roots have sideward growth as well to give firm support to the tree.

6. Jamun Tree

Botanical Name: Syzygium Cumini

Other Names: Jamun, Phanir, Jaambu, Neredu, Nagai, Jaman, Black plum, Damson plum, Duhat plum, Indian blackberry, Jambolan, Malabar plum, Black plum, Black plum tree, Indian blackberry, Jambolan-plum, Java plum

Native to India, Jamun is a slow-growing tropical tree that has a well-defined tap root system, making it one of the deepest-rooted trees of India. Its primary root is wiry and digs down deeper in the soil, while the lateral roots, with moderate length, are distributed horizontally.

7. Gulmohar Tree

Deep Rooted Trees in India 4

Botanical Name: Delonix regia

Other Names: Royal Poinciana, Flamboyant, Krishnachura, Flame of the Forest, Peacock flower

Thanks to its orange-red flowers, Gulmohar is known as the flame of the forest. It has a spreading crown that can expand more than the height of the tree. This deciduous and dicot tree has an extensive taproot system with invasive growth habit. Moreover, its thick roots not only spread vertically but horizontally as well.

8. Deodar Cedar

Botanical Name: Cedrus deodara

Other Names: Himalayan Cedar; Deodar, Devdar, Devodar, Devadaru

Deodar is worshipped as a divine tree and has many important medicinal uses. How deep the roots of this ornamental tree will go, depends upon its height. Deodar Cedar generally spread up to 30-35 feet from its trunk base. These trees grow up to 130-160 feet tall, and the roots of larger trees grow much deeper than the shorter ones.

9. Indian Tulip Tree

Deep Rooted Trees in India 5

Botanical name: Thespesia populnea

Other Names: Portia Tree, Eden Apple, Pacific Rosewood, Indian Tulip, Milo, Puvarasu, Palaspipal, Paras pipal

This small flowering tree belongs to the Malvaceae family. It has multiples medicinal uses. Once it gets mature, it develops a deep rooting system that helps this tree tolerate long drought periods. Moreover, due to the strong root system, it has been used as an avenue tree in many Indian cities like Kolkata, Mumbai Chandigarh, and Chennai.

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