List of Plants that Grow from Stem Cuttings in India

Last Updated: 01.01.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Here is a detailed List of Plants that Grow from Stem Cuttings in India that you can easily multiply to have more in your garden or give them as gifts!

List of Plants that Grow from Stem Cuttings in India

Instead of growing plants from seeds and wasting too much time in the process, you can multiply them easily by just taking a cutting! If you wonder what are the best plants for this, then check out the List of Plants that Grow from Stem Cuttings in India along with a short note on How to take a Cutting from a Plant!

Learn how to grow curry plant from cuttings in India here

Types of Cuttings

1. Softwood Cuttings

Softwood cuttings are comparatively soft and taken from the fresh, new growing stems. in springs and summers.

2. Semi Hardwood Cuttings

Also known as semi-ripe cutting, these cuttings are somewhat tough, firm, and partially woody. Snip them from mature plants from mid-summer till the fall.

3. Hardwood Cuttings

These are firm cuttings taken from the woody, deciduous plants, trees, and climbers. Cut them during the dormant phase when there is no sign of active growth.

4. Greenwood or Herbaceous Cuttings

Cut greenwood from herbaceous plants that have non-woody stems.

List of Plants that Grow from Stem Cuttings in India

1. Mums

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Botanical Name: Chrysanthemum morifolium

Take 4-6 inches cutting right after the blooming period in springs and summers, from a branch with new growth and plant it in a pot with potting mix.

2. Song of India

Botanical Name: Dracaena reflexa

Take 6-8 inches cutting just below the node, and snip away the lower leaves. Plant it where it gets ample humidity and light.

3. Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa

Snip its 6-8 inches long softwood cutting from springs to summers. Cut it at a 45-degree angle. Remove all the top leaves too, to prevent energy diversion.

Check out the best types of roses in India here

4. Butterfly Bush

Botanical Name: Buddleja

During spring and summer, take 5-6 inches long cutting from fresh growth, before it turns woody. Make sure to remove the leaves from the bottom 3-inches of the cutting.

5. Hydrangea

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Botanical Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

As per experts, take 5-6 inches long cutting from a branch that did not bloom in the current year. It should have at least one leaf node.

Do Hydrangeas grow in India? Find out here

6. Angel’s Trumpet

Botanical Name: Brugmansia

You can grow it from both softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings. Pick a semi-woody branch and take 5-8 inches of cutting.

7. Gardenia

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Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides

Take softwood or semi-hardwood cutting during early summer. Look for a healthy stem that has a flexible green tip with a set of young leaves.

8. Dahlia

Botanical Name: Dahlia pinnata

Choose a firm and healthy tuber during winter. Cutting gives birth to the clone of a mother plant, hence you can have numerous sets of dahlias from a single tuber.

Learn how to grow Dahlias in India here

9. Philodendron

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Botanical Name: Philodendron bipinnatifidum

For multiplying this plant, take 5-8 inches of cutting during the active growth period. Also, you can propagate it in both soil and water.

10. Jade

Botanical Name: Crassula ovata

Propagate jade only during early summer. Snip 4-5 inches long cutting and let the cutting air dry for a few days to help it develop callus before planting.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing jade from cuttings 

11. Mint

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Botanical Name: Mentha

Cut 4-5 inches cutting below the leaf node from a healthy branch, and propagate it directly in the vase of water. Once it forms roots, you can transfer it into a pot.

Learn how to propagate mint from cuttings here

12. Arrowhead Plant


Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

Snip away 6-10 inches long cutting below the bud, put it directly in a vase of water or soil. You will observe new shoots in 7-14 days, and the new set of leaves in 3-4 weeks.

Check out our article on growing Syngonium here

13. Hibiscus

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Botanical Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

You can take both semi-hardwood and softwood cuttings for hibiscus propagation. Snip away a 5-8 inches long one below the leaf node, and propagate it in a vase of water.

14. Oleander

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

It is usually grown from semi-hardwood cutting, but you can use greenwood cutting too. Cut at least 6-8 inches long stem and plant in soilless media like compost.

15. English Ivy

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Botanical Name: Hedera helix

Semi-hardwood and hardwood, you can propagate from both cuttings. Take 6-8 inches one with a few nodes and propagate it in a glass of water.

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