How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings in India | Growing Pudina

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Learn everything about How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings to grow Pudina easily at home and enjoy its fresh flavor in dishes!

How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings

Pudina tastes great in chutney, sauce, and drinks, thanks to its cooling aftertaste. Here’s all you need to know about How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings to have a plant of your own and use it fresh for an enhanced flavor in your dishes!

Here’s all you need to know about growing mint in pots

How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings

Here are two popular methods for propagating mint plants from cuttings.

In Soil

Snip off 6-8 inches of cutting, from a healthy plant, just below the node. Remove all the bottom leaves, dip the end in the rooting hormone and plant it in a container filled with potting mix. Water it well and keep it where it can avail bright, indirect sunlight.

Any medium-size pot with drainage holes at the bottom is best for growing mint.

In Water

For water propagation, the cutting should be snipped at a 45-degree angle as a horizontal cut may clog the water intake. Keep it at any glass or vase with fresh water, in direct sunlight. For best growth and to avoid fungal problems, change the water once in 2-3 days.

You can transplant it in the pots when it starts to show new growth.

Growing Requirements for Mint

How to Propagate Mint from Cuttings 2


Mint does best in 5-6 hours of full sunlight, but the plant can also thrive in the partial shade. For indoors, place the plant at the south or west windowsill.


Mint prefers well-draining, slightly acidic soil (6.5 – 7 pH) in nature. Any potting soil will do, but a soilless peat-based potting mix is the best bet. You can also DIY this by mixing equal parts of peat moss, perlite/sand, and compost.


The plant loves consistently moist but not soggy soil to thrive happily. However, water only when the top layer feels dry to touch.


Mint is best suited to the Indian tropical climate as it loves warm weather and does well in the temperature range of 12–25ºC. Do protect the plant in winters, when the temperature drops below 10ºC.


Use a balanced fertilizer, once every 5-6 weeks, for best growth. Refer to the instruction label for the application. Also, make sure to water the soil thoroughly before feeding.

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