13 Types of Berries in India | Berries Found in India

Last Updated: 04.07.2024
Utkarsh Shukla
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Utkarsh Shukla, a journalism student at IIMC, Delhi, is on a mission to share his passion for fitness and nature through gardening. With a deep family background in botany and over 200 gardening articles, he simplifies the science of plants. Utkarsh turns gardening into engaging and educational adventures, aiming to inspire a love for the natural world in his readers.

Do you know about all the Types of Berries in India? After reading this article, you’ll be surprised to see how many you haven’t tried!

India is home to a variety of berries, and each one offers a unique flavor that sets it apart from the rest. Some are tarty, some are sweet, and some are even used to make medicines. Isn’t that amazing? Find out everything about all the berries found in India below.

What are Berries?

Before we get to the list of berries found in the country, we just want to ask–do you know what a berry is? You might think that berries are any small, juicy fruits that you can enjoy fresh. Perhaps in a salad, but scientifically speaking, they have a more specific definition. A true berry comes from a single flower and has its seeds surrounded by fleshy pulp.

Well, this certainly rules out strawberries because they have the seeds outside on the skin. But don’t worry, there are many true berries that are really delicious.

Types of Berries in India

1. Indian Gooseberry (आंवला)

Types of Berries in India

Amla is one of the most popular berries that you must have seen. It’s light green, round, and about the size of a ping pong ball–sometimes, even smaller. Amlas have hard skin and a single large skin in the center. They are known for the sour and tarty flesh inside that is used to make pickles and candies and also in Ayurvedic medicine.

2. Java Plum (जामुन)

best Types of Berries in India

Jamuns are native to India and are found throughout the country. They’re deep purple, almost black berries that have smooth skin and waxy flesh with a single seed inside. They’re really juicy, have a mildly sweet and tart taste, and will leave your tongue purple if you eat them raw. People make jams, jellies, and even wines with these. Here’s how to grow your own.

3. Carandas Plum (करोंदा)

Types of berries in India: Karonda


Karondas are small, oval berries that come in pretty colors like red, green, yellow, and even a striped variety. They have thin skin and are slightly fuzzy on the inside. You must have seen these growing in hilly areas of Madhya Pradesh, Himalayas, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and West Bengal- they’re quite a common site. But don’t worry, you’ll find them all across the rest of the country, too.

4. Indian Jujube (बेर)

Types of berries in India

Bers are small, round berries that are about as big as cherries. They are red, yellow, and green and have smooth skin that’s thin and crispy. The flesh also packs a juicy punch with a tarty kick, and these trees are grown in regions that are dry and arid.

5. Indian Sherbet Berry (फालसा)

top Types of berries in India

Phaslas are used to make refreshing drinks and sherbets–that’s why they’re named so. These berries grow on bushes and are found throughout the Indian peninsula. You’ll find them in red, purple, and white colors, and all of these have sweet and tangy-tasting flesh.

6. Cape Gooseberry (रसभरी)Amazing Types of berries in India


These lovely berries have a sweet and tarty flesh inside and are small in size. They are commonly grown in the hilly areas of Himachal and Uttarakhand and need well-drained soil and moderate sun to thrive. They make great seasonal crops and are rich in Vitamins A, C, and B-complex.

7. Mulberry (शाहतूत)

best Amazing Types of berries in India

The white and red mulberries are not common, but you don’t want them because they have a mild taste. People cherish the black ones because they have a strong flavor and are often used to make desserts. These berries are perfect for places with temperate climates like parts of Himachal, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand.

8. Garcinia Indica Berry (कोकूम)Kokums are also native berries found in India,

Kokums are also native berries found in India, particularly the Western Ghats. They’re a part of the mangosteen family and have a wonderful red-purple color. They are slightly acidic and tarty in flavor, but people consume them in their dried form as a spice. They have also been used by the locals in traditional medicine for many years.

9. Sea Buckthorn (एम्स, छरमा)Types of berries in India

Chharma berries are bright orange in color and are one of the few fruits that thrive in the harsh Himalayan climate. If you’ve ever been to Ladakh or Spiti, you must have seen them growing in those cold regions. These berries are high in Vitamin C, E, A, and many trace minerals.

10. Goji Berry (किशमिश)Types of berries in India


Goji berries are small red berries, but they are not widely cultivated in the country. They’re mostly imported and are a bit on the expensive side. People love these as dried fruits, and you can find them pretty much everywhere. They have tons of health benefits and can be eaten raw, in yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, and even in many dishes.

11. Star Gooseberry (हरफरौरी)Types of berries in India

Star Gooseberries are native berries found in India. They grow on a tree and are yellow-green in color. They are so named because they have a star-shaped cross-section when cut. Did you know they have many different names as well? These berries are called Nellikai in Tamil, Usli in Telugu, and Dhou in Hindi. And, of course, Harfarauri.

12. Glueberry (लसोड़ा)

best Types of berries in India

Lasodas are unique types of berries found here that have stick seeds. These berries have a rich green color and are used to make pickles. People rarely eat them raw, but they’re commonly used in traditional medicine to help with digestion and skin problems.

13. Grapes (अंगूर)Grapes are grown in many states in India

Did you know that grapes are also berries? Yes! Grapes are grown in many states, and Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu are the major producers. You can find many lovely varieties of these berries, like the Thompson seedless one, which is green, and others that are black, red, and even pink. Here are all the grape varieties found in the country.

7 thoughts on “13 Types of Berries in India | Berries Found in India”

  1. There are many more berries that grow in India and need to be added to the list .eg sea buckthorn and many different berries in Rajasthan, up Nagpur and Punjab. UNFORTUNATELY INDIAN HORTICULTURAL POLICY IS A FRAUD .

    • Dear Ajay,

      I’m helping people to design their own “food jungles” a name I made up to convey that its a food forest, but less tame and wilder than the typical permaculture style food forest which is usually more like an orchard, and has WAY too many highly cultured plants, rather then the wild plants of the region. I’m researching berry plants indigenous to the countries of my greatest readership to encourage people to ‘re-wild’ their food gardens and thus support global biodiversity which is nosediving fast. There is a huge difference in the distribution of INFORMATION. Plenty on the US or UK but when it came to India, I’m so frustrated by the type of information available. I’m so glad you made this comment. When I looked up China the search results were swamped by the goji berry and its so hard to dig down to the wild berries. I don’t know the plants of Asia. I’m from Africa and I’m researching other countries because I already know a lot of the berries from my region and I want to learn. I also hope to find richer information on the wild berries of India. Also China and Brazil. Its not going to be easy.

      cheers fellow botanical visionary !

  2. curious, Hypnale zara is a deadly variety of snake and Bardez taluka a place in Goa… so what is the Zara berry…. ?

  3. Very nice post about berries i have my own farm house in jaipur and I will love to root these jamun and phalsa and Shahtoot berris in my farm.

  4. I am interested to grow a fruit plant in a pot on my terrace to attract birds. Bulbuls and barbets frequent my area. Can I choose phalsa ? Will it bear fruit in a 20 inch pot? I have learnt that birds love phalsa. It is also a low maintenance plant. Kindly give your opinion.

  5. Thanks for your detailed report on berries in India. They are similar to what we have in Pakistan. Blushwood Berry is recently becoming famous for anti-cancer properties. Unfortunately I cannot read the Hindi script so I suppose the vernacular [roman] name would be “BER”? Please confirm. I am sure we can use such natural resources and i hope the Indo-Pakistan wealth of such healthy fruits will be exploited and presented to the world. Many thanks again!


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