10 September Seasonal Fruit in India

Published on: 14.05.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

You must try these September Seasonal Fruit in India when the month comes around. Read on, and don’t miss out on the rich flavors.

September is a delightful month in India when the monsoon season starts to recede, and the weather becomes pleasant. This change in the weather brings fresh air and tons of fresh fruits. Here’s everything about all the September Seasonal Fruit in India.

September Seasonal Fruit in India

1. Guava (अमरूद)

September Seasonal Fruit in India 1

September is the prime Guava season, so make sure you have your fill. These fruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Plus, they’re delicious–full of a sweet and tangy flavor.

2. Pomegranate (अनार)

September Seasonal Fruit in India 2

Pomegranates are also abundant when September comes. It might be a bit of work peeling off the skin and taking out the seeds, but it’s really, really healthy for you.

3. Papaya (पपीता)

September Seasonal Fruit in India 3

Papayas have vitamins A, C, and E, and aid in digestion. You can find them for cheap, and they make lovely ingredients for smoothies and salads.

4. Mango (आम)

Fruit in India

The official Mango season is in summer but the best mango varieties like Alphonso and Totapuri are also around till September. These fruits are juicy, sweet, and make you feel refreshed.

5. Custard Apple (सीताफल)

Fruit in India

Custard Apples are common as Sitaphals. Sitaphal is a healthy September-season fruit that’s rich in dietary fiber. Most of these come from Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh–they’re the leading producers.

6. Sapota (चीकू)

Fruit in India

Sapota has sweet and grainy skin. Plus, it’s a great source of vitamins and minerals. Save the seeds; you can grow these into your own Chiku trees.

7. Apple (सेब)

Apple tree

September marks the beginning of the apple harvest, so there are many good varieties like Kashmir Apple and Indian Granny Smith that you can find in the markets.

8. Pears (नाशपाती)

Pears tree

Pears are also peak seasonal fruits for the month of September. They are juicy and have a lovely pale green-pink skin. Do try Patharnakh and Punjab Nakh varieties of pears.

9. Blackberries


While the summer berry season might be coming to an end, you may still find some blackberries available in September, especially in the hilly areas.

10. Banana (केला)

Banana tree

Banana is not exclusive to just September. These trees, or technically, herbs, give you those lovely yellow fruits all around the year, so you can find them easily. They’re really healthy and give you a burst of energy.

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