How to Grow Nagdon ka Paudha | Growing Devil’s Backbone

Last Updated: 29.12.2023

Nagdon ka Paudha is popular for its medicinal properties. It is also easy to take care of and looks good too!

Nagdon ka Paudha
shutterstock/PhilipYb Studio

Nagdon ka Paudha is famous as both an indoor and outdoor plant. Not only it looks good, but also offers various health benefits too. Let’s have a look at how to grow it,

Check Out How to Grow Bel Patra ka Paudha here

Nagdon ka Paudha Information

The plant is native to warmer parts of India and is grown widely in the eastern areas of the nation. Nagdon ka Paudha has green and white variegated leaves that may sometimes develop a rosy blush tint in warm weather.

The plant can grow up to 2-3 ft tall when mature. Because the “flowers” are leaf bracts, they don’t produce any fragrance. The bracts usually appear in the summer season.

Nagdon ka Paudha can be planted outdoors in winter and indoors in summer. However, these plants are generally grown as a houseplant and are relatively easy to grow and care for.

Botanical Name: Euphorbia tithymaloides

Check Out How to Grow Ajwain ka Paudha here!

Requirements to Grow Nagdon ka Paudha



Nagdon ka Paudha grows well in bright and indirect sunlight. Avoid keeping it in the direct afternoon sun as it can scorch the tender foliage. A location where it gets morning sunlight for 2-3 hours will be best.


Always use a well-draining potting medium to grow Nagdon ka Paudha.  If you are using regular garden soil, amend it with coco peat, vermicompost, and a handful of sand.


Despite being a tropical plant, Nagdon ka Paudha doesn’t like wet soil. Make sure to water it only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Do not water the plant daily.

Check Out How to Grow Gokhru ka Paudha here

Nagdon ka Paudha Care

Nagdon ka Paudha 2


If you have added cow dung manure and vermicompost at the time of planting, then don’t worry much about feeding the plant. You can use a balanced liquid fertilizer, once in 6-8 weeks.


The plant requires very little care in the way of pruning. Use clean garden shears to prune away dead and damaged leaves.

Pests and Diseases

Spider mites can become an issue.  Clean the leaves gently with a moistened cotton ball to remove the mites. As for diseases, the plant is somewhat susceptible to powdery mildew. Ensure it gets plenty of air circulation and sunlight. Also, avoid overwatering.

Check Out Money Plant Diseases and Pests here!

Also read about types of small succulent plants

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