Money Plant Diseases and Pests: How to Identify and Treat Them

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Here are the most common Money Plant Diseases and Pests that you should be aware of to make sure your pothos stays healthy and thriving!

Money Plant Diseases

Pothos is the pride of every Indian house, thanks to their exuberant foliage and creeping stems. However, if you are not careful, the plant may be prone to trouble. Here are the major Money Plant Diseases and pests you must be aware of!

Here’s all you need to know about growing money plant in India

Common Money Plant Diseases 

1. Rhizoctonia Root Rot


Causing Agent: Fungus Rhizoctonia Solani

Leaving the plant in soggy soil and overwatering are the two major causes of root rot that can even lead to the plant’s demise. Wilting of the plant, leaves getting dark blotches, and roots turning brown or black are the indication of this disease. You can even observe a web of fungal growth in the soil in some cases.

Solution: Take the plant out of the pot and discard all the affected roots. Re-pot it in fresh potting soil, and water only when the topsoil feels completely dry. 

2. Bacterial Wilt Disease

Money Plant Diseases 2

Causing Agent: Pseudomonas cichorii

This disease causes the veins of the leaves and stems to turn darker. The foliage wilts and develops yellow spots that spread rapidly.

Solution: Discard the infected parts and repot the plant in fresh soil in a new container. Avoid overwatering the money plant and use a well-draining and porous potting mix only.

3. Manganese Toxicity

Causing Agent: Excess Manganese

This problem is not caused by any bacteria, virus, or fungus attack, but due to excess manganese absorption from the fertilizer or fungicides accumulated in the soil. This toxicity gives rise to yellow flecks or spots on the foliage and also leads to the dropping of the new leaves.

Solution: Minimize the use of fungicides especially those containing manganese and you can apply lime to raise the pH level in the soil.

Insects and Pests Problem

4. Spider Mite

Money Plant Diseases 3

Spider mites infestation in large numbers can be dangerous for the plant. You can spot them wandering on the leaves and stems. These mites often thrive in the dry environment, so regularly misting the plant is a key to prevention.

Solution: If the spider mites have caused the heavy infestation, spray or apply dish soap or neem oil solution to deter the mites away.

5. Aphids

Aphids attach themselves to the soft green stems of the plant, feast on the leaves sap, and make the plant look stunted.  They also encourage mold and ants infestation, as aphids secrete a sugary liquid that attracts ants.

Solution: To combat aphids, use a strong jet of water or turn your plant upside down in a bucket with water for a couple of minutes. You can also use neem oil or soapy water to deter them away.

6. Mealy Bugs

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Mealybugs are white cotton-like pests that feed on the sap of leaves and stems, causing yellowing and curling of the foliage. These are spotted near the soft or growing tissues of the plants.

Solution: Wipe them away using a cotton swab dipped in an insecticidal solution or alcohol. You can also prepare a neem oil and water solution, and spray it on the infected areas.

7. Scales


If you notice dark brown bumps on the leaves or stem joints, then that’s the doing of scales. They are one of the hard-to-control insects, as their firm outer shell prevents them from the effect of a strong jet of water or insecticidal solutions.

Solution: Take a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or neem oil solution, and rub it against the infected parts directly. Check all the parts like cervices, stem joint, and underneath leaves, as scales have a tendency to hide in such places.

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