How to Grow Heliconia Indoors | Growing Lobster Claws Plant

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Growing Lobster Claws is easy as long as you know the right tips and tricks. Here are all the details on How to Grow Heliconia Indoors in India easily!

How to Grow Heliconia Indoors

If you want to add a tropical flair to your rooms, then Growing Lobster Claws is one of the best options. It grows fast, looks beautiful, and is also easy to look after. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Heliconia Indoors!

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Lobster Claws

These plants are native to Hawaii, southern Florida, and Costa Rica but you could spot them in India anywhere. They have large leaves that resemble that of bananas. These plants are famous for their stunning blooms that come in an orange hue, which also look like the blossoms of birds of paradise plants.

All in all, Heliconias are great indoor specimens that look great all year round!

How to Grow Heliconia Indoors?

As most of the cultivars of the genus tend to get pretty enormous in size, it would be a wise decision to go for a dwarf cultivar like Heliconia psittacorum, which is also popular by the name Parrot Heliconia. It stays small and grows 3-5 feet tall with a spread of 2-3 feet.

As it can be a tedious job to propagate it, get a well-grown specimen from a garden center or a nursery to save time and effort.

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Best Container Size for Growing Heliconia Indoors

Start the plant in a 12-14 inches pot. Depending on the growth, you may have to re-pot in once in 2 years. Always use 1 size bigger pot than the old one as using a bigger pot than required can cause waterlogging issues, which results in root rot.

Requirements for Growing Heliconia Indoors


The key to growing heliconia indoors is to provide it with plenty of bright but indirect light. The more light it will receive, the better it will be for its growth. Do not keep the plant in direct sun at all costs. Keep it near a southern or western location in the house and rotate it once in 4-6 days so it gets even light exposure.


Use a well-draining potting mix to grow lobster claws. Refrain from using regular garden soil as it may be too compact for its liking. Amend the growing medium with plenty of compost and peat moss for the best growth.


The plant needs a little wet soil to grow best but do not confuse it with overwatering as it will kill it. The best method is to water it once in 2-3 days, depending on the weather. Water only when the top layer of the soil feels a little dry.

Temperature and Humidity

It will happily thrive in the temperature range between 22-34 C. Mist the leaves every 3-4 days to maintain humidity around the plant. You can also keep its pot on top of a pebble tray filled with water.

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Taking Care of Heliconia Indoors

How to Grow Heliconia Indoors 2


Use a balanced liquid fertilizer, diluted to 1/4 of its strength, once in 3-4 weeks. This will boost the growth, promoting bigger foliage and flowers. You can also use a phosphorus-rich fertilizer at the time of blooming to speed up the flowering process.

Pests and Diseases

Take care of spider mites and aphids. You can handpick them manually or use a damp cloth to clean them off. To keep most of the potential diseases away, do not overwater the plant and ensure there is plenty of air circulation.

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