How to Grow Ketki ka Phool in Pots | Growing Pandanus

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Ketki ka Phool is quite a rare sight in India but holds religious significance. Let’s have a look at how you can grow this beautiful flower easily!

Grow Ketki ka Phool

Screw pine or Ketki ka Phool is a beautiful flower that comes in pale or yellow colors. Its leaves are popular for making various household items. People also cook its leaves to make curries in some parts of India! If all this interests you in growing it, then keep on reading!

Botanical Name: Pandanus tectorius

Check out our article on growing Champa Flower here

What is Ketki ka Phool?

Ketki ka Phool also known as Pandanus tectorius or Screw Pine, is a tropical flowering plant with unique features.

Ketki is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Ketki ka Phool is commonly found in coastal regions and is known for its adaptability to a variety of climates.

Ketki ka Phool belongs to the family Pandanaceae and is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub. It has long, slender, spiky leaves arranged in a spiral pattern around the stem, giving it the name “Screw Pine.” The leaves are typically dark green and can reach lengths of 1 to 2 meters (3 to 6 feet) depending on the variety.

The most distinctive feature of Ketki ka Phool is its fragrant flowers. The flowers are small, white, and fragrant, and they cluster together to form cone-like inflorescences. Each flower consists of long, narrow petals and a central stamen, which gives the flower a star-like appearance. The flowers emit a sweet and pleasant fragrance that becomes more intense during the evening.

The fragrance of Ketki ka Phool is often described as delicate, sweet, and reminiscent of jasmine or gardenia. The scent is particularly noticeable in the evening and night, attracting moths and other nighttime pollinators.

Ketki ka Phool holds cultural significance in many regions where it is found. In India, the flowers are used for religious and ceremonial purposes. They are often offered to deities and used in traditional rituals, garlands, and decorations. The flowers are also used to make traditional scented oils and perfumes.

Besides its cultural significance, Ketki ka Phool has practical uses as well. The leaves of the plant are sometimes woven into mats, baskets, and other handicrafts. The long aerial roots are used to make ropes and other fiber-based products.

Other Names: Kewda, Fragrant screwpine, Umbrella tree, and Screw tree

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Ketki Ka Phool Kaisa Hota Hai?

If you want to know Ketki Ka Phool Kaisa Hota Hai, then the answer to that question is – white, pale yellow, and a hint of green. The flowers have a mix of all these colors and it largely depends on the growing conditions, too.

Ketki ka Phool in English is popular by the names of Thatch screwpine, Tahitian screwpine, Hala tree, and Pandanus.

Check Out the List of Bisexual Flowers here!

Best Pot Size

You can start the plant in a 10-14 inches pot. As it grows, you can re-pot it once every 2-3 years, depending on its spread and size.

Requirements for Growing Ketki ka Phool

shutterstock/Mang Kelin

Sunlight Requirements

Ketki ka Phool thrives in full sun to partial shade. They prefer bright, direct sunlight for several hours a day, but they can also tolerate some shade. A location that receives at least 4-6 hours of sunlight is generally ideal for healthy growth and flowering.


Ketki plants prefer well-draining soil. Ketki ka Phool can tolerate a range of soil types, including sandy or loamy soils. It’s important to ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot.

A soil pH range of 5.5 to 7.5 is suitable for Ketki.

Watering Requirements

Ketki ka Phool requires regular watering to keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. During the growing season, typically spring to early fall, water the plant thoroughly whenever the top inch of soil feels dry.

Reduce watering in the winter months when the plant’s growth slows down. Avoid allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings, as this can stress Ketki ka Phool.

Temperature Range

Ketki plants prefer warm temperatures and are typically grown in tropical or subtropical regions. Ketki ka Phool thrives in temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C (68°F to 86°F).

While it can tolerate higher temperatures, it’s important to provide some shade during intense midday sun to prevent leaf scorching. Avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 10°C (50°F), as it is sensitive to cold and frost.


Ketki plants appreciate moderate to high humidity levels. In areas with low humidity, you can increase humidity around the plant by misting its leaves regularly or placing a tray of water near the plant to provide some moisture through evaporation.

It’s important to note that specific growing conditions may vary depending on your location and climate. Observing your Ketki plant’s response and adjusting care accordingly will help ensure its optimal growth and health.

Taking Care of Ketki ka Phool

Grow Ketki ka Phool 2
shutterstock/Mang Kelin

Fertilizer Requirements

Ketki ka Phool generally benefit from regular fertilization to promote healthy growth and blooming. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer with a ratio such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14.

Apply the fertilizer during the growing season, typically from spring to early fall, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid over-fertilization, as it can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flower production.


Common pests that can affect Ketki ka Phool include mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites. Regularly inspect your plant for signs of these pests, such as visible insects, webbing, or yellowing leaves.

If you notice an infestation, you can try removing the pests manually or using insecticidal soap or horticultural oil, following the product instructions. In severe cases, professional pest control may be necessary.


Ketki ka Phool is generally resilient to diseases, but they can occasionally encounter issues such as root rot caused by overwatering or fungal infections. To prevent these problems, ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering.

If you notice signs of disease, such as wilting, discoloration, or unusual growth patterns, adjust your watering practices and, if necessary, consult with a plant professional for appropriate treatment.


Pruning is typically done to maintain the desired shape and size of the Ketki ka Phool . You can trim back any dead, damaged, or overgrown leaves or branches at any time of the year.

Use clean, sharp pruning shears and make clean cuts to minimize damage to the plant. Additionally, pruning can help promote better air circulation, which can reduce the risk of fungal diseases in Ketki ka Phool.


Deadheading involves removing faded or spent flowers to encourage further blooming and maintain a tidy appearance. After the Ketki ka Phool  flowers have wilted, you can simply cut off the faded flower stalks near their base using pruning shears or scissors.

Deadheading also prevents Ketki ka Phool from putting energy into seed production, redirecting it toward new growth and flower production.

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