How to Grow Gokhru ka Paudha | Growing Puncture Vine

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Gokhru ka Paudha might come across as a weed at the first glance, but it has tremendous health benefits and many medicinal uses! Let’s find out!

Gokhru ka Paudha

Gokhru ka Paudha in English is popular as Puncture Vine though people also call it by various other names in different parts of the world. It belongs to the Zygophyllaceae family and is a perineal herb known for its medicinal benefits.

Check Out How to Grow Arhul ka Ped here

Gokhru ka Paudha Information

Gokhru ka Paudha is a small trailing plant that stays low on the ground. It is a weed so you may find it growing on its own in the nearby fields. The plant’s foliage is stipulate, opposite, usually unequal, and abruptly pinnate. What makes the plant stand out is its flowers, which are yellow and grow in clusters.

According to a study by the Department of Anti-Doping Research, Poland, Tribulus terrestris (TT) is touted as a testosterone booster and remedy for impaired erectile function.

Another study claims that the plant is used as a tonic and aphrodisiac in Unani system of medicine. It has been used in India and Pakistan as a treatment for impotence and as a stimulant to enhance sexual drive and performance.

Botanical Name: Tribulus terrestris

Requirements to Grow Gokhru ka Paudha



Being a weed, Gokhru ka Paudha loves to be in direct sunlight and flowers best in it. If you are planning to grow it, choose a location that gets a minimum of 5-6 hours of sunlight. Do not grow it in the shade as it will result in no flowers.


The plant is not at all fussy about the growing medium and can grow in almost all kinds of soils. Add coco peat, vermicompost, and a handful of cow dung manure in the growing medium to boost the blooms.


Too much watering can damage the plant, so avoid overwatering. Water the plant only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch.

Check Out How to Grow Khajur ka Ped here!

Gokhru ka Paudha Care

Gokhru ka Paudha 2
shutterstock/Jintapa Pramsook


If you have added cow dung manure in the growing medium then Gokhru ka Paudha would do just fine without the need for any fertilizer.

Pest and Diseases

If taken proper care of, there are no issues of significant pests and diseases. However, keep a check on aphids and mites. Use an insecticidal soap solution to get rid of them. Avoid overwatering the plant to prevent any diseases.

Check Out Why Adding Manure and Fertilizers to the Plants is Beneficial here!

Benefits of Gokhru ka Paudha

  • The fruit and root of Gokhru are popular in medicine.
  • It has diuretic, aphrodisiac, emollient, expectorant, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, styptic, and lithotriptic properties.
  • They are helpful in gonorrhea, gleet, ulitis, inflammation, menorrhagia, strangury, leprosy, skin diseases, verminous, and general weakness.
  • The seeds are astringent and are helpful in epistaxis, hemorrhages, and ulcerative stomatitis.
  • The ash of the whole plant is suitable for external application in rheumy arthritis.
  • Its roots are useful in cough, asthma, internal inflammation, and anemia.

Check Out How to Grow Sahadevi ka Ped here!

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