Popular Flowers Name in Kannada

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Fond of flowers and Kannada language? Our exclusive list of Popular Flowers Name in Kannada will give you a detailed idea!

Displaying a vast spectrum of colors and patterns, flowers are considered to bring paradise on earth. Thanks to their popularity in India, people want to gather as much information as they can on them. Keeping that in mind, we bring you the most Popular Flowers Name in Kannada!

Check out our article on fruits names in Kannada here

Popular Flowers Name in Kannada

1. Plumeria (Champa)

Flowers Name in Kannada

Kannada Name: Deva Kanagilu

Waxy petaled plumeria, with a yellow center, emits an intoxicating fragrance during the night time.

2. Lotus (Kamal)

Kannada Name: Taavare

Velvety petals in an overlapped fashion look fabulous while standing atop the muddy water.

3. Rose (Gulab)

Kannada Name: Gulaabi

Coming in a wide array of shades and patterns, the roses liven up the gardens with their unmatched beauty!

4. Jasmine

Kannada Name: Mallige

With its heavenly scent, Jasmine has a long blooming period spanning from summers till the fall.

5. Sunflower (Surajmukhi)

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Kannada Name: Suryakaanti

Striking yellow color accompanied by the heliotropism nature of sunflower make it stand out from the rest.

6. Marigold (Genda)

Kannada Name: Chendu hoovu

The bountiful marigold can be seen sparkling up many cultural events in Hinduism.

7. Coral Jasmine (Harsingar)

Kannada Name: Paarijaata

Touted for its medicinal properties coral jasmine is a gardener’s delight!

8. Oleander (Kaner)

Kannada Name: Kanagile

The funnel-shaped flowers of oleander spruce up the gardens from summers to fall.

9. Hibiscus (Gudhal)

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Kannada Name: DasavaLa

The five petals of hibiscus gracefully compliments its stamen.

10. Dahlia (Delia)

Kannada Name: Delia

Available in the shades of the rainbow, except for the blue, the dahlia looks gorgeous!

11. Chrysanthemum (Guldaudi)

Kannada Name: Shavantiga

The petals of these flowers are composed of a group of florets.

12. Elephant Creeper (Ghav bel)

Kannada Name: Samudra balli

The bell-shaped flowers are flushed with purple to pink colors, accompanied by a dark throat.

13. Periwinkle (Sadabahar)

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Kannada Name: Sadaapushpa

Spanning from white, pink to lavender colors, the flower repeatedly blooms throughout the year.

14. Spider Lily (Nagdamani)

Kannada Name: Vishamunguli

The lacy and slender petals of spider lily gracefully curving down add a stunning flare to the lawn.

15. Crape Jasmine (Chaandani)

Kannada Name: Nandi battalu

The five petals arranged in a pinwheel fashion holds a special significance in Hindu worshipping.

16. Jimsonweed (Dhatoora)

Kannada Name: Bili ummatti

The trumpet-shaped flower coming in violet to white tones are toxic by nature.

17. Lantana (Raimuniya)

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Kannada Name: Kaadu jola / Kakke

Comes in shades of orange, blue, pink, to yellow, Kaadu jola is a must-have in gardens!

18. Bougainvillea (Gaganbel)

Kannada Name: Kaagadada hoo

Bougainvillea features dainty white flowers enclosed within vivid bracts.

19. Plumbago (Chitra)

Kannada Name: Chitramulika

Also known as sky flower, the sky blue petals arranged in a starry shape look exceptionally stunning.

20. Creeping Oxalis (Amrul)

Kannada Name: Pullampuriche / Hulichikkai

The miniature yellow flowers work as ground carpet, but many gardeners consider it as a weed.

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