What is Rosemary Called in India | Growing Rosemary

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Wondering What is Rosemary Called in India? Do you want to know about its uses? Here’s everything you need to know about  Growing Rosemary and all the details!

One of the most popular and oldest herbs, Rosemary has been used medicinally for ages and also goes well in curries and soups. If you want to know What is Rosemary Called in India and what are its uses, then we have all the information for you!

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What is Rosemary?

What is Rosemary Called in India

Rosemary is a fragrant and evergreen herb that is an integral part of kitchens around the world. This bushy shrub bears pine-like, curved leaves and grows blue flowers during springs and summers. The spiky leaves of rosemary are used in both cooking and medicines.

Thanks to the pleasing scent of the leaves, the rosemary essential oil is renowned for its characteristic smell and plentiful health benefits. You can even store well-dried rosemary sprigs for later use.

What is Rosemary Called in India?

Rosemary is popularly called “Gulmehandi” in Hindi. It is also called as:

  • Hindi: Gulmehandi
  • Tamil: TMarikkolundu
  • Marathi: Shatavari
  • Malyalam: Poovaamkurunthal

Other Common Names: Compass weed, Rusmary, Polar plant, Romero, Rose Des Marins

Botanical Name: Salvia rosmarinus

How to Propogate Rosemary?


Rosemary can be propagated from seeds and stem cuttings.

  • Purchase seeds and sow them in a small pot or tray filled with potting mix.
  • Keep it at bright but indirect sunlight and mist periodically.
  • Once the plant grows up to 5-6 inches tall, you can transplant it in the ideal container.
  • For growing the herb from cuttings, snip off 3-4 inches long, healthy cutting.
  • Remove the lower leaves from the cutting and plant in a pot.
  • Keep it in bright light.
  • Make sure the soil stays moist but not damp.

Growing Requirement of Rosemary


Rosemary responds well to 3-4 hours of full sunlight for best growth. A bright sunny corner of the garden or a south-facing windowsill indoors will be the best spot to grow this herb.


For potted plants, it is best to use a standard potting mix. You can also DIY by mixing equal parts of peat moss, compost, perlite, and garden soil.


It would be best if you water the plant only when the topsoil feels a bit dry to the touch. Water it deeply until it comes out of the drainage holes. Also, always let the topsoil dry before rewatering to prevent fungal issues.

Taking Care of Rosemary

What is Rosemary Called in India 2Fertilizer

Use a slow-release balanced fertilizer, like 10-10-10,  during the growing season, once in every 5-6 weeks. Do see the label for instructions. Also, avoid overfertilization as it reduces the essential oil content in herbs like rosemary.


Regular pruning and harvesting will lead to bushier growth, encouraging more branches and leaves. But make sure not to prune more than one-third of the plant and snip the cutting just above the leaf joint.

Pests and Diseases

Be careful of mealybugs, scales whiteflies, and spider mites. You can get rid of them using a need oil solution or an insecticidal soap.

Rosemary Uses in Kitchen


In kitchens, its leaves are used as a spice, and oil is used in beverages. In cooking, rosemary goes well as a seasoning for several dishes, spanning from soups, salads to stews. You can use rosemary with poultry and fish dishes as well.

Benefits of Rosemary

What is Rosemary Called in India 3

1. Rosemary essential oil is used for aromatherapy for healing anxiety, and stress. It also helps to improve mood.

2. You can consume rosemary tea as it improves cognitive functioning and enhances memory.

3. Thanks to its anti-aging property, this herb is a boon for the skin.

4. Rosemary also tones down digestive issues like gastric problems, bloating, and cramps.

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