What is Bisexual Flower | List of Bisexual Flowers

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

If you always wanted to know What is Bisexual Flower then you are in luck today! Here’s a detailed List of Bisexual Flowers that you can also grow! 

There are both unisexual and bisexual flowers that may have one or both stamens and carpels. So, if you want to know What is Bisexual Flower, then we have all the details for you!

Have a look at the 365 days flowering plants here

What is Bisexual Flower?

What is Bisexual Flower

Flowers that have both male and female reproductive parts are bisexual. Hibiscus is the prime example of it. The male reproductive organ is called the Androecium and the female reproductive organ is called the Gynoecium.

The androecium is the male reproductive part of the flower and is also called the stamen. Similarly, Gynoecium is the female reproductive part of the flower and is also called carpel.

Fun Fact: Bisexual flowers are capable of doing self-pollination.

Check Out Where Fertilization Take Place in Plants here

List of Bisexual Flowers

1. Lily


Botanical Name: Lilium

One of the most beautiful white flowering plants, the lily looks charming in both pots and gardens. You can easily grow it in the native environment of India.

2. Rose

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Botanical Name: Rosa

The optimum time to grow this attractive flower is from May to August. They look incredibly pretty and are famous for their fragrance and colors.

Here’s how to get more rose flowers than leaves

3. Sunflower


Botanical Name: Helianthus

These flowers are also famous as Happy Flowers as they turn their face towards the sun and share a positive vibe. You can plant them from May till August.

Here are the best types of sunflowers you can grow

4. Tulip

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Botanical Name: Tulipa

These flowering plants grow well in winters. The optimum time to grow them is from September to November. Keep them in an area that gets bright but indirect light.

Check out How to Grow Tulips in India here

5. Daffodil


Botanical Name: Narcissus

These flowers represent New Beginnings and stand out with their elegant appearance. Grow them in well-draining soil with 2-4 hours of bright sunlight.

6. Mustard

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Botanical Name: Brassica nigra

These flowers are also popular for their uses in mayonnaise, vinaigrette, marinades, and barbecue sauce. The best time to grow these blooms in India is summer.

Check out Top Sarso Khali Uses in the Garden  here

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