12 Types of Black Flowers in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Among the colorful blossoms, the black flowers are rare to spot and are distinctively exceptional! Check out some exceptional Black Flowers in India.

Flowers are the intrigue gift of nature,  highly admired for their vivid colors. Symbolizing rebirth and rejuvenation in many cultures, black flowers offer a great contrast to the colorful blossoms. Most of them are produced by horticulturists across the world and have a very close resemblance to black, but are not quite black. Check out this list of Black Flowers in India that showcases a charismatic contrast accent to gardens!

Check out our article on violet color flowers in India here. 

Black Flowers in India

1. Queen of the Night Tulip

Black Flowers in India

Botanical Name: Tulipa ‘Queen of Night’

This tulip has velvety, deep purple petals that look almost black. Flowering in the spring seasons, this tulip does well in full to partial sunlight. Often gardeners pair this tulip with light shade pansies. This exquisite tulip is low maintenance as well.

2. Calla Lily ‘Night Cap’

Botanical Name: Zantedeschia ‘Night Cap’

The chalice-shaped spathe of calla lily is covered in dark purple to eggplant color, reminiscent to black shade. As the flower ages, it attains deep wine hue. Emerging from the cluster of luscious green leaves, the flower displays its beauty from summer till the late fall.

3. Burgundy Black Dahlias Flower

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Botanical Name: Dahlia pinnata

Tightly clustered petals of this flower are fused with the chocolate and deep burgundy shades. The pompom shaped flower looks dark chocolaty to black if seen from the distance.

4. Petunia Black Velvet

Botanical Name: Petunia x hybrida

This flower is said to earn a novelty due to its true black color. Developed by a flower breeding company in 2010, the black hue is a result of crossing the high levels of anthocyanin. Offering a stunning visual, this flower grows on a perennial plant in warm and dry conditions.

5. Black Pansy

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Botanical Name: Viola x wittrockiana clear crystal black

Like other pansies, it has five overlapped petals, but its unique peach black color is derived from the breeding. Its petals have dark black shade with no blotches or veins. These early bloomers continually display their beauty from the late spring to early fall.

6. Black Baccara Rose

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Black Baccara’

The deep Burgandy to red color of this rose is so dusky that it looks black at first glance. This rose is the cross of Rosa ‘Celica’ and Rosa ‘Fuego Negro’. The long-lasting flower with velvety petals continues to display from spring till the end of October.

7. Iris ‘Before the Storm’

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Botanical Name: Iris ‘Before the Storm’

Flowering during early summers and late springs, this iris emits a slight pleasing fragrance. This flower with an exceptional shade can be a great addition to spring gardens.

8. Black Widow Cranesbill Geranium

Botanical Name: Geranium phaeum

This flower is not true black in color, but its magnificent dusky-violet shade gives it a black hue. The light-hued stamens and style flauntingly come out of the petals. These wrinkly petals have a tendency to curve backward.

9. Chocolate Lily

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Botanical Name: Fritillaria biflora

Again, not the true black, it is dark purple to deep brown flowers, mottled with yellow spots. This bell-shaped lily flowers from February to June. Its foul-smelling flowers are pollinated by flies.

10. Black Hollyhock

Botanical Name: Alcea rosea nigra

One of the incredible types of hollyhock, this one seems to bear true black color. But it reveals its true violet-brown color on closer examination. This flower emerges from June to September and planted against light-hued flowers.

11. Bat Orchid Flower

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Botanical Name: Tacca chantrieri

Deep purple shade, hanging filaments, and ruffle wings are the key features of this flower. Also known as Cat’s whisker, the two dark bracts surround the flower that resembles the bat shape. Since it enjoys shade and room temperature, it is extensively grown indoors.

12. Hellebore Black Flower

Botanical Name: Helleborus niger

Generally admired for the vibrant flower of Hellebore, its dusky shade is exceptionally rare. The deep purple shade of the flower has a close resemblance to black that emerges during early spring.  Many gardeners avoid it due to its toxic nature.

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