18 Stunning Trees with Pink Flowers

Last Updated: 10.07.2024

We’ve gathered all the Stunning Trees with Pink Flowers so you can have a garden full of falling pink petals!

These pink-flowering trees can bring cheer to your yard or lawn. The best part is that they come in all sizes, from small trees that fit neatly in a corner to big ones that shade your whole house.

Best Trees with Pink Flowers

1. Cherry Blossom

Trees With Pink Flowers

Botanical Name: Prunus serrulata

You don’t need to travel to Japan to get these trees. India has them, too, especially in the cooler northern states like Himachal and Jammu & Kashmir. These trees bloom with delicate pink and white flowers around March-April. You can also find them in places like Shimla, Srinagar, and Gulmarg.

2. Dogwood


Botanical Name: Cornus florida

Dogwoods aren’t originally native to the country but are found here. These trees need a cooler and more temperate climate than what’s found in most states. You can find them in nurseries, gardens, and hilly areas.

3. Crepe Myrtle

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Botanical Name: Lagerstroemia speciosa

Crepe Myrtles are also called Pride of India, and for good reason. These trees with pink flowers thrive in warm sun and are seen throughout the country. They’re low-maintenance and a popular choice for parks, streets, and even backyards.

4. Magnolia

Botanical Name: Magnolia spp.

You’ll find two types of Magnolias here–the native Nilgiri Magnolia, which is common in the Western Ghats mountains and has creamy white/pink flowers. And the Southern Magnolia has pretty pink flowers that give off a sweet scent. They’re common in many cities like Bangalore.

5. Rhododendron

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Botanical Name: Rhododendron spp.

Rhododendrons are evergreen shrubs or small trees with pink flowers. You can also find varieties with white and red flowers. They’re particularly abundant in the eastern Himalayas, covering Himachal, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Nagaland.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Pink Rhododendron is the state flower of Himachal Pradesh? The locals call it Gulabi Buransh!

6. Frangipani


Botanical Name: Plumeria spp.

Frangipanis, or as the locals call it, the Champa tree, has beautiful, fragrant, pink flowers that make it a great ornamental choice. These trees actually originated in Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean and were introduced to India centuries ago.

7. Flowering Crabapple

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Botanical Name: Malus spp.

Flowering Crabapples are beautiful pink flower trees that thrive in cooler climates. They’re found in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir, where the temperatures suit their growth. The most popular variety to go for is ‘Indian Magic.’

8. Eastern Redbud

Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis

Eastern Redbuds might not be native to India, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find any in your local nursery. The only thing you need to pay attention to while growing these trees is the hot and humid summer season. Just give them protection from the afternoon sun and water them consistently.

9. Weeping Cherry

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Botanical Name: Prunus subhirtella ‘Pendula’

Weeping Cherry trees have light pink flowers and are suited for hilly regions because they love cooler temperatures. They are common along roadsides and in parks if you visit Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir, and Uttarakhand.

10. Pink Azalea

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Botanical Name: Rhododendron spp.

Pink Azaleas are not technically trees but large bushes full of beautiful pink flowers. These flowers appear in the spring, and the plants need well-drained acidic soil, filtered sunlight or light shade, and proper watering.

11. Pink Trumpet Tree

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Botanical Name: Tabebuia rosea

The Pink Trumpet tree or Rosy tree is great for warmer parts of the country. It’s known for the stunning pink, trumpet-shaped flowers that bloom during the dry season. Plus, it prefers full sun and well-drained soil.

12. Silk Floss Tree

Botanical Name: Ceiba speciose

Silk Floss trees are really tall and have prickly trunks. They lose their leaves in cooler months but also give pretty pink/purple flowers with soft, silky centers during this time. These trees need warm climates and plenty of sunshine to grow.

13. Pink Shower Tree

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Botanical Name: Cassia javanica

Pink Shower Trees are ornamental ones that are grown throughout India. They can easily reach 80-130 feet in height and have delicate, fern-like leaves that perfectly complement the pink flowers. It’s a great choice for parks, avenues, and gardens.

14. Pink Oleander

Botanical Name: Nerium oleander

Pink Oleanders are shrubs, not trees. But they’re widely grown in the country because they’re extremely resilient and tolerant to heat and drought, which is quite common in India’s warm climate. You can follow our guide to grow them.

15. Japanese Snowbell

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Botanical Name: Styrax japonicus

Japanese Snowbell trees are native to East Asia and produce small, fragrant, bell-shaped pink flowers hanging from the branches. They are prized for their delicate beauty and easily grow 20-30 feet tall if given proper care.

16. Bottlebrush Tree

Botanical Name: Callistemon spp.

Some varieties of Bottlebrush trees, like ‘Pink Champagne,’ have pink flowers instead of the usual red. These trees have a rough, dark brown bark with long, pointy leaves. It thrives easily in India’s weather and climate and is pretty easy to care for. It’s one of the few pink flowering trees that grow in the wild here.

17. Silktree Mimosa

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Botanical Name: Albizia julibrissin

Silktree Mimoasas are small, deciduous trees with fluffy pink flowers that bloom throughout the summer months. They are native to the Himalayan foothills and well-adapted to the country’s climate. 

18. Pink Jacaranda

Botanical Name: Stereospermum kunthianum

Pink Jacaranda is native to India and Southeast Asia and is a slender tree with drooping clusters of white-pink flowers that bloom during winter. Once the flowers fade, the tree produces slender, paired pods.

Now that you know everything about the trees, here are pink flowers you can grow to complement them.

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