Shevanti Flower Season in India | How to Grow Shevanti Plant

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

The beautiful colors of Chrysanthemum makes it one of the most desirable flowers in the world! Here’s the info on the Shevanti Flower Season in India.

Shevanti Flower Season in India

The botanical name of Shevanti is Chrysanthemum multifolium. These are herbaceous perennial flowering plants, the flowers of which are also referred to as chrysanthemums, mums, or chrysanths and considered as the second most beautiful in the world after roses. These fragrant flowers come in many colors like light pink, dark pink, yellow, and white. Let’s have a look at the Shevanti Flower Season in India.

Common Indian Names: Shevanti, Chandramallika, Jamanthi, Sebati, Chandramukhi, Sevantige, Chamanthi

Shevanti Flower Season in India

These flowers do not have any specific season to flourish. You can grow them all year round just by keeping them in a good amount of sunlight. However, too hot summers can also adversely affect the plant’s growth. In India, mainly, the plants grow either spring or late summer season.

Shevanti Flower Cultivation in India

The cultivation of these flowers takes place on a commercial level in India. These plants have a good market value and demand. The flowers are used for decorative purposes in weddings, ceremonies, and various other functions.  Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka are some of the states that commercially cultivate these flowers.

How to Grow Shevanti Flower?

You can easily grow these flowers at home. In addition to being pretty easy to grow, these beautiful, bright, and colorful flowers will make a great addition to your balcony, terrace, or garden. 


You can easily grow these plants from seeds, cuttings, and division as well, although it is always advisable to buy a healthy plant from a nursery. When growing these plants from seeds, you can just plant the seeds directly into the soil bed or container. If you are growing them from cutting, take some 6-7 inch cuttings from a healthy plant and plant them directly into the soil after dipping them into a rooting hormone.


These plants love sunlight and require a minimum of 5-6 hours of it daily. The plants show good growth and produce better blooms when kept for long in bright sunlight. However, do not forget to move the plants or provide them with some shade when the hot summer sets out.


Temperature is one such factor that can influence the growth and flowers of your plant. The temperature ranging from 20- 30°C is ideal for the growth of them. But the summer temperature in the tropical and subtropical parts is way higher than this. In which case, it becomes essential to keep the plants under shade.


The soil that is good in texture and is well-draining in nature, like sandy loam soil is ideal for growing Shevanti. As this soil does not allow the stagnation of water.  These plants do exceptionally well in the soils that are rich in organic matter and compost.


Shevanti plants require frequent watering due to their sunlight requirement. These plants tend to lose moisture when you keep them in the sun for too long; thus, it becomes necessary to water it often. Long sun exposure can even dry up your plants, so it is a good idea to create a layer of mulch to prevent water loss.

Shevanti flower plant care

Shevanti Flower Season in India 2Fertilizer

Although the plants are not heavy feeders, provide them with the cow manure every 1-2 months. You can also use a 12-6-6 slow-release chemical fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season and liquid fertilizer as per the instructions on the label.

Pest and Diseases

The Shevanti plants are prone to root rot, gray mold, and powdery mildew. Pests like leaf and stem miners, chrysanthemum eelworm, aphids, caterpillars, worms may also affect the growth of plants. These pests can, however, be treated with homemade fertilizers like neem oil or soap solution.

2 thoughts on “Shevanti Flower Season in India | How to Grow Shevanti Plant”

  1. Everywhere I am reading that shevanti didn’t need much water. Requires well drained system and here you are confusing that it requires lot of water. Whom to trust.


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