12 Plants Used for Vertical Garden in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Looking for some ideal plants for your vertical garden? Here’s a list of Plants Used for Vertical Garden in India that you can grow!

Vertical gardens are the best alternative for limited spaces. Mostly, plants with an upward growing tendency, require the support of trellis or stakes and creeping or sprawling plants fits best to these needs. But, as not all plants do well here are some Plants Used for Vertical Garden in India that will add a natural accent to your interior too!

Check out our article on making a nutrition garden in India here

Best Plants for Vertical Garden

1. Pothos

Botanical name: Epipremnum aureum

This trailing plant, with a creeping habit, is a must-have addition for vertical gardens. Thanks to its low maintenance and hardy nature, it can even grow at low light places with the minimal requirement. The pointy, heart-shaped leaves of pothos have yellow cream blotches.

2. Succulents

Botanical name: Succulent 

Coming in a diverse range of colors, shapes, and sizes, succulents offer numerous options for vertical gardening. Succulents have fleshy leaves and stem that they use to retain water for a longer period. Their adaptability and resistance towards temperature fluctuation is another key feature.

3. Ferns

Botanical name: Polypodiopsida / Polypodiophyta

Arching fronds of fern plants add intriguing texture to any vertical garden. The plant’s trailing and sprawling habit cover the area quickly. There is a multitude of varieties available like Maidenhair Fern, Boston fern, Kimberly Queen Fern, and Asparagus Fern that can be a perfect fit for vertical gardens.

4. Baby’s Tears

Botanical name: Soleirolia soleirolii

The tiny round leaves pf Baby’s tears have a rich, bright green hue that can revamp the look of any garden. This plant is also a great filler for groundcover or vertical gardens, thanks to its vigorous growth habit. Baby’s tears is an evergreen specimen that responds well to bright sunlight and moist soil.

5. Elephant Ear Plant

Botanical name: Colocasia

This plant is going to add a tropical dimension to your vertical garden. The heart-shaped foliage is reminiscent of an elephant’s ear and can be either plain or may consist of black, pink, and purple streaks, depending upon the variety. There are around 70 species, among which Alocasia Amazonica, Alocasia Odora, and Alocasia Portora are the common ones.

6. Lipstick Plant


Botanical name: Aeschynanthus

This plant is highly admired for its waxy leaves and unique flowers. The reason behind its weird name is its red blossoms. They emerge out of the brown buds that almost look like lipstick tubes from distance. Aery soil, moderate watering, and partial sunlight keep this plant happy.

7. Bromeliads

Botanical name: Bromeliaceae

Bromeliads are appreciated for their unique flower. Arranged in a spiral fashion, the vibrant leaves are actually bracts that are often mistaken with a flower. The inflorescence grows from the center of these bracts and may last for a month.

8. Air Plants

Botanical name: Tillandsia

Air plants are getting high popularity, the reason is their striking, fuzzy appearance and feature of growing without soil. Their furry and trailing foliage is almost reminiscent of a ponytail. Although they earned a lot of admiration as they receive nourishment from the atmosphere, yet, these epiphytes need nurturing of bright, indirect sunlight along with regular misting.

9. Wandering Jew

Botanical name: Tradescantia zebrina

Displaying deep green foliage that is wrapped with silver-purple bandages, its tapered leaves are purple initially but, turn gray-green with silver tinges after maturity. This plant requires bright, indirect sunlight, otherwise its colorful markings fade away.

10. Arrowhead Plant

Botanical name: Syngonium podophyllum

As the name suggests, the foliage of this plant has leaves that resemble the arrow shape. The various cultivar of arrowhead plants is flushed with white, yellow, or pink markings. Upon maturity, they spread in a creeping manner hence requires a sort of support to spread, becoming a great accent for the vertical gardens.

11. Hosta

Botanical name: Hostaceae

This versatile perennial comes in a diverse range of colors, texture, and shapes. Hostas are pronounced with dense clusters of foliage that may be plain, scalloped with streaks, or bi-colored. It features a sprawling habit that makes them an ideal candidate for vertical gardens. Dappled sunlight and moist soil are necessary for optimal growth.

Vegetables Creeping Plants – Bonus!

When talking about a vertical garden plant, vegetables can not be missed from the list. Growing creeping vegetables has an additional advantage of having the fresh harvest year-round. Choose vine plants for this purpose that somehow requires the support of trellis or stakes. Some best options you can consider are tomatoes, luffa, gourds, cucumber, and beans.

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