16 Beautiful Types of Sedum Succulents in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Looking like jewels, sedums with exceptional blooms are head-turners. Here are some beautiful Types of Sedum Succulents you can grow in your garden.

Belonging to the Crassulaceae family, the stonecrop or sedum is famous for its stone-like fleshy leaves with spectacular flowers. Have a look at the most awesome Types of Sedum Succulents you can grow.

Check out our article on some of the most charming types of petunias here 

Types of Sedum Succulents

1. Golden Sedum

Types of Sedum Succulents

Botanical Name: Sedum adolphii

Showcasing yellow-green leaves’ rosettes, it gets a red hue on the leaf margins when exposed to full sun. The starry, white flowers double up the beauty during winter.

2. Coastal Stonecrop

Botanical Name: Sedum litoreum Guss

The fleshy and bright green leaves in an oblong to elliptical shape looks striking in rock gardens. It also grows a bunch of star-like, yellow flowers.

3. Sedum Blue Spruce

Types of Sedum Succulents 2

Botanical Name: Sedum reflexum ‘Blue Spruce’

The needle-like blue-green leaves of this plant adds a timeless charm to landscapes. It is also a great choice for miniature gardens.

4. Tasteless Stonecrop

Botanical Name: Sedum sexangulare

This plant is famous for the unique arrangement of its leaves. Its foliage is arranged in a spiral format that makes it look spectacular.

5. Nevius Stonecrop

Types of Sedum Succulents 3

Botanical Name: Sedum nevii

This ground-hugging succulent is an excellent substitute for flowering plants in gardens. Its gray-green leaves have pointy ends.

6. Mossy Stonecrop

Botanical Name: Sedum lydium

The green leaves of the plant turn coppery-red during autumn and display a wonderful mix of colors. It also grows beautiful white flowers on the stem tips.

7. VooDoo Stonecrop

Types of Sedum Succulents 4

Botanical Name: Sedum spurium ‘Voodoo’

Its leaves change their color from bright green to burgundy in winters. The plant blooms attractive magenta-pink flowers too.

8. Spurium Dragon Blood

Botanical Name: Sedum spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’

Famous for its variable shades, its green leaves turn burgundy in summer and twirl to deep-red during the falls. This sedum adds a lot of colors to yards.

9. Mocinianum

Types of Sedum Succulents 5

Botanical Name: Sedum mocinianum

A fuzzy cover of white hair all across the plumpy leaves set this sedum variety apart. This mat-forming succulent resembles the hairy cushion from a distance.

10. Golden Japanese Stonecrop

Botanical Name: Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’

The sedum has rounded leaves in a brilliant golden shade that gets a pink tone in full sun. Grow it along the garden path in the garden for a spectacular visual.

11. Burro’s Tail


Types of Sedum Succulents 6

Botanical Name: Sedum morganianum

The cascading stems, trailing from the hanging pots, adds a wow factor. The color of the fleshy leaves may vary from gray-green to blue-green depending on sun exposure.

12. Booleanum

Botanical Name: Sedum booleanum

This low-growing, bushy stonecrop displays an array of needle-like leaves on upright stems. The plant grows cherry-red flowers during summers.

13. Pacific Stonecrop

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Botanical Name: Sedum divergens

The chubby leaves of this sedum are initially green but develop an orange-red hue in the full sun that pair well with the starry yellow flowers.

14. Rose Carpet Stonecrop

Botanical Name: Sedum cyaneum ‘Rose Carpet’

The spoon-shaped, blue-green foliage with a snappy red marking gives out an interesting texture to the landscape. It also blooms star-like pink flowers that attract bees and butterflies.

15. Goldmoss Stonecrop

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Botanical Name: Sedum acre

The pale green leaves, with complimentary yellow flowers, add a burst of colors to the lawns.  You can grow it in garden borders.

16. Giant Jelly Bean

Botanical Name: Sedum lucidum

The glossy, green leaves with a red pigment on the tips make a striking statement at the open places. As the name suggests, its leaves are in the jelly bean shape and look remarkable with white-yellow flowers.

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