Kalanchoe Propagation | How to Grow Kalanchoe

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Add a pop of colors and glorious beauty by growing Kalanchoe flowers! Here’s everything you need to know about Kalanchoe Propagation!

Kalanchoe Propagation

Coming in mesmerizing shades of yellow, pink, red, orange, and magenta, the vivid blooms of kalanchoe look absolutely gorgeous! The flowers match wonderfully well with the foliage, making the plant a must have! If you too want to grow it, here’s all you need to know about Kalanchoe Propagation!

Check out our article on Mango Propagation here

Kalanchoe Propagation

From Cuttings

Snip off a 5-6 inches healthy and non-flowering cutting of a kalanchoe plant, just above the leaf bud. Leave it at any dry and shady location for a couple of days so as to form a callus. Now, you can directly plant it in a garden or pot. Just make sure it gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. The shoots will appear in 3-4 weeks.

From Plantlets

Plantlets are tiny leafy segments that grow along the margins of the leaves. You can cut one of them at the connecting node using a sheer. Let it dry at any shady place to develop callus for a few days and then plant it directly into the garden or pot.

Kalanchoe Growing Requirements

Kalanchoe Propagation 2


Kalanchoe appreciates bright and indirect sunlight. Avoid keeping it in the direct sun as it’ll burn the foliage. To ensure the plant flowers abundantly, expose it to 5-6 hours of sunlight.


A well-draining medium is the best potting soil for kalanchoe. For best results, use equal parts of perlite and peat for starting seedlings, then transplant it in the pot filled with the standard potting mix used for cacti and succulents.


These plants perform well in a wide range of temperatures between 10-30 C, but the ideal temperature is between 10- 21 C


For propagating kalanchoe you can opt for a 3-4 inches pot initially and then transplant it to a 5-6 inches pot when the shoots emerge.


Water when the topsoil feels dry to touch. Since its fleshy leaves retain water,  it can tolerate drought to some extent. Also, make sure not to wet the leaves while watering.

Kalanchoe Plant Care


Use a balanced fertilizer for the kalanchoe plant. For dosage and instructions, check the label. Also, moisten the soil before watering to prevent roots from burning.


Pinch off dead flowers after the blooms start to fade and also prune off the yellowing leaves from the stem.

Pest and Diseases

Kalanchoe is mostly prone to the root rot due to overwatering. So, always let the soil dry out till a few inches before next watering, and do not spill the water on the leaves. Also, the plant is susceptible to scales or aphids. You can use neem oil or insecticidal solution to get rid of them.

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