How to Make an Indoor Meditation Garden in India

Last Updated: 17.10.2023
Sakshi Kasat
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Sakshi Kasat, an indoor gardener and content creator from Indore, India, transitioned from teaching to follow her gardening passion during the pandemic. She's an expert in indoor gardening, with over 150 articles published. Her favorite plant, the Peace Lily, reflects her mission to inspire others. In gardening and writing, she finds pure inspiration and contentment.

Here is all you need to know about How to Make an Indoor Meditation Garden to spend a relaxing and calm time after office in your home!

How to Make an Indoor Meditation Garden

In this fast-paced life, many are moving towards meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices to find their own solace. If you also want a calming space indoors, learn How to Make an Indoor Meditation Garden easily in this article.

Check out our article on making a chef garden indoors here

How to Make an Indoor Meditation Garden

1. Choose a Bright and Open Spot

Meditation calls for a peaceful and calming space. Choose a distraction-free, quiet spot that is bright, open, and well-ventilated. Having a window nearby that receives a glimpse of sunrise or sunset will be the icing on the cake.

2. Right Sitting Arrangement

Whether you follow a cross leg posture or prefer a comfy chair, the sitting arrangement plays a crucial role. Add a yoga mat, a meditation cushion, use the stool or comfy chair that helps you in keeping the right posture.

3. Introduce Green Elements

Greenery is an integral part of a meditation garden as it has a soothing and healing effect. You can go for the air-purifying plants like a spider plant, Boston fern, and areca palm. A vase with bamboo sticks also renders calmness to the viewer.

4. Keep the Theme Light

Be careful while choosing the color for the room as it influences the mood. Painting the walls with light and pastel colors, like pale blue, lavender, greens, or grays gives out a soothing effect.

5. Bring in the Essence of Meditation

Decorate your meditation garden with the tools that bring spiritual vibes like bells, metal singing bowls, wind chyme, candles, and crystals. You can also add a classical painting or a buddha statue.

6. Keep the Area Minimilastic

The meditation place must be clean and minimilastic. As meditation is all about achieving tranquility, you need to cut down the unnecessary stuff.

7. Work on the Lighting

The room should have plenty of natural sunlight, but as many meditators prefer dim lighting, you can also use a sheer curtain to diffuse the bright sunlight. But, if your room has negligible access to natural light, you need to use light fixtures like string lights, or candles.

8. Magical Power of Fragrance

The soothing fragrance has a spellbinding effect that aids in concentration and mindfulness. For this meditation-cum-aromatherapy, you can go for the Chandan incense sticks, or a few drops of eucalyptus, rosemary, or lavender essential oil.

9. Ambiance with Water Feature

A flowing sound of the water is the most blissful experience for both meditation or mindfulness. Adding water features like a fountain, or running water display in the meditative garden creates a relaxing sound that pacifies the mind, and body.

10. Adding Extra Meditative Counterparts

Introducing small zen or yin yang garden in the room has elevated meditative effects. These Japanese gardens are made from sand and pebbles with highlighted concentric patterns on the sand. Used by Japanese monks, these gardens enhance divergent thinking and mindfulness.

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