Sansevieria Moonshine Care | Growing Moonshine Snake Plant

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

If you want to grow a snake plant with silver-green color foliage, then you are at the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about Sansevieria Moonshine Care!

Sansevieria Moonshine Care

Growing houseplants can be a daunting experience for forgetful gardeners, but the moonshine snake plant makes for the right choice as it is easy to maintain and grow! Here are all the tips on Sansevieria Moonshine Care you need to know!

Here are the amazing benefits of growing snake plants

Moonshine Snake Plant

Sansevieria moonshine has pale, silver-green leaves in spear shape. The plant is popular for its resilient growing nature, low maintenance, and air cleansing properties. In 2017, the botanical name of the moonshine snake plant was changed to Dracaena trifasciata, nonetheless, still many refer to this succulent as sansevieria.

Growing Requirements of Sansevieria Moonshine



Moonshine Snake Plant responds well to bright, indirect sunlight. The plant can also tolerate some low light but it will lose its brilliant foliage color.  Avoid keeping the plant in a dark spot, as it will stunt its growth.

Tip: Living rooms and bedrooms with bright indirect light are great spots for Sansevieria as it also cleanses the surrounding air.


“Less is good” works for the plant. Water it only when the topsoil goes a little dry. Overwatering will kill the plant eventually and will also attract fungal diseases.


Moonshine snake plant likes to thrive in porous and well-draining soil. Use a potting mix designed for cacti or succulents. You can also DIY the same by blending 2-parts of coarse sand or perlite, 1-part peat moss, or coconut coir, and 1-part of potting soil.

Temperature and Humidity

This plant can adapt to a wide range of temperatures. Keep it in the range of yet the range of 13-30 C for best growth. It can work fine with the average room humidity levels unless the air is too dry like in summers.

Sansevieria Moonshine Care


Use diluted cacti and succulent fertilizer or general houseplant fertilizer once in 5-7 weeks. Refer to instruction label for application. Do not fertilize the plant in winters.

Tip: At the end of the summer, flush out the soil once in order to discard any mineral or salt buildup.


Re-poting the plant once every two years is considered ideal. While repotting, discard the decaying or diseased roots, if any. It is advisable to use a container one size larger than the current one—use fresh potting mix.


It is a healthy practice to wipe the dust off the leaves using a damp cloth once in 8-10 days. The layer of dust can clog the pores on the leaves, inhibiting the photosynthesis process in plants.

Pests and Diseases

The snake plant is one of the hardiest plants that is said to be free from pest problems. However, mealybugs or spider mites can attack the plant. You can try to knock them off using a strong jet of water, or by increasing the humidity around the plant.

Fungal problems cause mushy leaves, brown spots, wilting, and root rot. As a preventive measure, avoid overwatering and keep the leaves dry.

Quick Tips for Sansevieria Moonshine Care

Sansevieria Moonshine Care 2

  • If the leaves are becoming wrinkled, then it’s a clear sign of lack of watering.
  • When you notice the leaves getting droopy, then it is because of overwatering.
  • If you notice the leaves turning brown and burnt, then it is a sign of the plant getting exposed to the harsh sun.

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