How to Grow Tons of Lemon in Pot

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Learn How to Grow Tons of Lemon in Pot for a bountiful harvest, especially if you live in a small place like an apartment or a studio! Here are all the tips!

How to Grow Tons of Lemon in Pot
shutterstock/Oksana Lyskova

Here are all the tips and tricks on How to Grow Tons of Lemon in Pot that will help you cultivate a good harvest in a small space.

Learn How to Plant Lemon in a Cup for Small Spaces Here

How to Grow Tons of Lemon in Pots?

If you want to enjoy a plentiful harvest of lemons, then it is essential you pick the right variety. Lisbon dwarf, Ponderosa dwarf, dwarf Eureka, and Meyer are the best ones to grow that will guarantee a lot of fruits per plant.

Also, refrain from growing the plant from seeds as it will take time. Buy a well-developed plant from a nursery instead.

Check Out the Best Lemon Varieties in India Here

Points to Take Care of to Get Tons of Lemon

shutterstock/Ivan Semenovych


The plant will only bear fruits if it gets plenty of light. Make sure to place the pot at a location where it gets a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sun every day.


Go for well-draining, loose, and fertile soil with a pH of around 5.5-7. You can also use equal parts of garden soil, cocopeat, and compost.


Start with a pot that is 8-12 inches deep and wide with a drainage hole at the bottom. Avoid growing the plant in a too small or large container.


Lemon requires consistently moist soil to produce bountiful fruits. Water thoroughly whenever topsoil feels dry to touch. Avoid overwatering the plant, as it can cause blossom drop.


Go for a special citrus fertilizer once a month during the spring and summer. Application of slow-release fertilizer like 12-6-6 NPK in the growing phase will boost its growth.


Pinch back the growing tip, once the branch becomes 5-6 inches long.  Also,  trim dead and diseased branches from time to time.

Pests and Diseases

The plant is susceptible to scales, spider mites, aphids, and mealybug attacks. Deter them away using a strong jet of water. Alternatively, you can also use insecticidal soap or neem oil solution.

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