How to Grow a Beautiful Baby Tears Plant in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Learn How to Grow a Beautiful Baby Tears Plant and flaunt it in your home and garden without any fuss! It is easy to maintain and looks fabulous all year!

How to Grow a Beautiful Baby Tears Plant

Soleirolia soleirolii might not be as popular in India as it is in the other parts of the world, but it is surely one of the most stunning plants you can grow in small pots. Let’s have a look at How to Grow a Beautiful Baby Tears Plant.

Learn How to Grow Moss at Home Here

What is Baby’s Tears Plant?

Baby’s tear plant produces tiny, round leaves on the fleshy stems, which gives it a moss-like appearance. Most varieties feature lush, green leaves while some cultivars bear golden and variegated foliage.

This plant looks exceptionally stunning in the hanging containers and bottle gardens. Also, its mat-forming habit works as a great ground cover and filler.

Botanical Name: Soleirolia aoleirolii

Other Names: Baby tears, baby’s tears, angel’s tears, peace in the home, corsican creeper, friendship plant, mind-your-own-business, mother of thousands, corsican curse

How to Grow a Beautiful Baby Tears Plant?

Through Cuttings

  • Snip off 2-4 inches long, healthy stem from a plant.
  • Discard the leaves from the base of the cutting.
  • Dip the cut end in the rooting hormone.
  • Fill a pot with a potting mix and plant the cutting.
  • Water thoroughly and keep the container in indirect, bright sunlight.
  • New shoots will develop in 3-4 weeks.

Through Division

  • Take out the plant from a container.
  • Separate a section of the stem along with roots using sanitized shear or trowel.
  • Don’t worry about the damage to roots or stems, as the plant regenerates in no time.
  • Fill a container with a potting mix and plant divisions.
  • Water well and place in filtered sunlight.
  • The divisions will grow as individual plants in a fairly short time.

Growing Requirments of Baby’s Tears Plant

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Place the plant where it can get 4-6 hours of indirect, bright sunlight per day. For growing indoors, keeping it by south or west-facing window will be just fine.


It does best in a well-draining, porous, and moderately fertile soil. You can also use a potting mix designed for succulents. For best growth, use sterile loamy soil amended with humus, compost, or aged manure.


Water it deeply when the topsoil feels dry to touch. Do not overwater the plant but at the same time make sure that the soil is not going completely dry either.


This plant can adapt well to 10-24 C. Baby tears prefer good ventilation and high humidity of 40-50%. You can also grow it in a well-lit bathroom!

Baby Tears Plant Care



Use a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer, diluted to half of its strength, once in 6-8 weeks. Do not fertilize the plant in winters. If you have used a good quality potting mix, then you can also skip feeding the plant—just side dress the pot with cow dung manure.


Baby tear plant has invasive growth habit, therefore, periodic pruning is recommended. Do light trimming during its growing phase to improve its overall appearance and stimulate new growth.


Baby’s tears plant grows quickly, thus needs re-potting once it outgrows the container or roots become overcrowded. Use fresh potting soil and a pot that is one size larger than the current one.

Pests and Diseases

Be careful of scale and aphids. You can deter them away by using neem oil or soap solution. Avoid overwatering the plant to keep most of the potential diseases at bay.

Problems in Baby’s Tear Plant

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Wilting in a baby’s tear occurs either due to underwatering or when the plant becomes root-bound.  Water the plant only when the topsoil feels dry. Also, divide and re-plant in a new pot if it is overgrowing the current one.

Blackened Leaves and Root Rot

Root rot can result in black leaves. Take out the plant along with the rootball, trim out the blackened leaves and the rotten roots. Re-plant it in a new container with fresh potting soil.

Yellowing of Leaves

Direct sunlight exposure can scorch the delicate foliage, which is the major cause of browning or yellowing leaves. Always place the plant at a spot that gets bright but indirect sunlight.


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