How to Grow Tinda | Growing Indian Squash

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Indian squash is one of the most common and favorite vegetables in North Indian households! Follow our detailed guide on How to Grow Tinda!

How to Grow Tinda

Tinda is a small gourd vegetable that is used in a wide variety of culinary dishes and is commonly used with curries, stews, and stuffing. If you want to harvest it fresh at home, then have a look at How to Grow Tinda easily in India!

Botanical Name: Praecitrullus fistulosus

Common Names: Indian Apple gourd, Tindi, Dhemsa, Tindsi, Tinday, Dhemase, Temsi, Meha, Indian squash, Crown gourd, Indian Baby pumpkin, and Apple gourd,

Check out our article on Different Types of Gourds here

Tinda Container Size

A 12-14 inches pot with a drainage hole at the bottom is ideal for growing tinda. Terracotta and ceramic pots would be a good choice as these materials are breathable. You can also use grow bags for Tinda.

How to Grow Tinda From Seeds

  • Fill a pot with rich and well-draining soil mix.
  • Push the Tinda seeds gently into the growing medium with your fingers and cover them with soil.
  • Water lightly and keep the pot in an area where it gets bright, indirect sun.
  • Tinda Seeds will complete the germination process within 6-8 days.
  • The first two leaves (false leaves), called the Cotyledons would emerge in the second week of germination.
  • The real first leaves will emerge right above cotyledons at the end of the second week.
  • Second week onwards, you will notice seedlings beginning to grow into a small Tinda plant.

Tinda Names in Indian Languages

  • Tinda in Hindi: Tinda
  • Tinda in Marathi: Tendli
  • Tinda in Gujarati: Tinsa
  • Tinda in Bengali: Lau
  • Tinda in Tamil: Pinju, Poosani
  • Tinda in Telugu: Chinna Gummadikay
  • Tinda in Malayalam: Ney Kumbalanga

Growing Requirements for Tinda


Choose a bright sunny spot, as Tinda does best in plenty of bright sunlight for 5-6 hours daily. Please avoid placing the pot in a location that is shady or too windy. The low intensity of the light may result in low fruiting, and the excess wind may damage the Tinda vegetable.


Tinda grows best in sandy, loamy soil rich in organic matter with good drainage. You can also use a standard potting mix or a DIY using two parts of regular potting soil, along with one part of cocopeat and vermicompost each.


Water the Tinda plants when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. Avoid wetting the foliage in the process.


Tinda gourds thrive best in warm, sunny conditions of tropical or sub-tropical climates, between 25–35°C.

Tinda Care

How to Grow Tinda 2


Adding organic manure like compost and manure around the base of the Tinda plant will give it all the boost it needs for the best growth. You can also use a balanced fertilizer once in 4-6 weeks according to the dosage recommended on the label.


Tinda plants have separate male & female flowers growing on the same plant. You can spot female flowers easily as they have a small round bulb at the bottom. Hand pollinates by simply rubbing a brush with soft bristles on the male flower first and then on the female flower.


Tinda is an aggressive climber, and it needs plenty of space to grow. To develop strong trellis support up to a height of 5-6 ft, you can use locally available materials like bamboo, wires, and pipes for the plant. In the absence of adequate support, the plant may result in lower fruits.

Pests and Diseases

Always be on the watch for any early signs of insects/fungal/ any other infections. Watch out for anthracnose during the wet months and powdery mildew during the dry season.

Be careful about root rot too, due to overwatering. For prevention, allow proper ventilation and drainage. Also, remove any affected parts from the plant.

You can use neem oil solutions to take care of the pests instead of using synthetic pesticides.

Harvesting Tinda

Indian Round gourd or Tinda climbers usually start flowering at the end of the third month from sowing. When you notice the fruits have a soft, smooth surface and you can easily push your fingernail through the skin or scrape it,  then it’s the right time to start harvesting!

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