How to Grow Thunbergia Erecta | Growing Bush Clockvine

Last Updated: 29.12.2023

Thunbergia Erecta showcases beautiful purple-blue flowers and can be a great addition to the garden! Learn how to grow it easily!

Thunbergia Erecta

Thunbergia Erecta is quite a versatile specimen that you can grow both in gardens and pots to have a purple blossoming appeal! Let’s have a look at how to grow Bush Clockvine.

Check out the list of bisexual flowers here

Thunbergia Erecta Plant Information

Also popular as king’s mantle and potato bush, Thunbergia Erecta is a herbaceous climbing perennial from western Africa. This woody, upright shrub grows up to 4-6 feet tall and showcases small, ovate leaves.

Thunbergia erecta, is native to India and Sri Lanka, but has been widely cultivated in other parts of the world as an ornamental plant. The plant is a vigorous climber with stems that can reach up to 15 feet long.

It has bright green, heart-shaped leaves and deep blue to purple flowers with yellow throats and purple-tinged white centers. The flowers appear in clusters and bloom from late summer to early fall. Thunbergia erecta is a great choice for trellises, walls, fences, and other structures and can be trained to form a canopy.

Best Thunbergia Erecta Vareities 

1. Thunbergia Erecta Blue Moon

This variety features showy, bright blue flowers with a yellow throat that bloom all summer long. The plant is drought tolerant, heat tolerant, and grows up to 8 feet tall with a spread of 4 feet.

2. Thunbergia Erecta White Wonder

This variety features pure white flowers with a yellow throat and a trailing habit. It grows up to 8 feet tall with a spread of 4 feet and is heat and drought tolerant.

3. Thunbergia Erecta Lemon Star

This variety features bright yellow flowers with a yellow throat and a trailing habit. It grows up to 8 feet tall with a spread of 4 feet and is heat and drought tolerant.

4. Thunbergia Erecta Orange Magic

This variety features bright orange flowers with a yellow throat and a trailing habit. It grows up to 8 feet tall with a spread of 4 feet and is heat and drought tolerant.

Best Thunbergia Erecta Plant colors

Thunbergia erecta plants can be found in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, pink, orange, and purple.

Propagating Thunbergia Erecta


Thunbergia erecta can be propagated through both seeds and cuttings.


1. Collect the ripe, dry seed pods of the plant.

2. Place the pods in a paper bag and allow them to completely dry out.

3. Once the pods have dried, crack open the pods and collect the small, round seeds.

4. Plant the seeds in a pot filled with well-draining soil.

5. Keep the soil moist and in a sunny area.

6. Once the seeds have germinated, thin out the seedlings to allow for better growth.


1. Cut a stem from a mature Thunbergia erecta plant.

2. Cut the stem into sections that are approximately 5 inches long.

3. Remove the lower leaves from the stem sections.

4. Place the stem sections in a pot filled with soil.

5. Place the pot in a warm, sunny area and keep the soil moist.

6. Once the cuttings have been rooted, transplant them into individual pots.

Requirements for Growing Thunbergia Erecta

Thunbergia Erecta 2
shutterstock/Rak ter samer


The plant can manage in a bit of shade, but in that way, it won’t flower as much. If you want the best growth, ensure it gets a minimum of 4-6 hours of bright sunlight. This will really promote plentiful blooms with a signature deep purple-blue hue.


Use fertile, moist, humus-rich,  and well-draining soil. If you want to increase the size and number of flowers on the plant, use 1 part coco peat, 1 part perlite, a handful of sand, and composted bark, along with a little worm casting.


The best way to water these plants is to moisten the soil when the top layer feels a little dry to the touch. This will ensure that the growing medium always stays a little on the moist side, just as the plant loves it.

Do not water the plant daily, and also ensure the soil never goes dry completely.

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Thunbergia Erecta Care

shutterstock/VINYAS KRISHNA


To promote flowering, use a water-soluble 10-30-20 blend. Dilute it to 1/2 of the recommended strength and feed the plant once in 3-5 weeks. This will make the flowers get a deep hue.

Alternatively, you can also use a handful of animal manure, fish emulsion, or leaf molds, once in 1-2 months.


Pruning Thunbergia Erecta is a great way to keep your plants looking healthy and beautiful. Pruning helps to remove dead or damaged branches and flowers, as well as control the size of the plant.

To prune a Thunbergia Erecta, you will need a pair of sharp pruners. Start by removing any dead or damaged branches and flowers, then trim away any branches that are growing in an uncontrolled manner.

When you are finished, prune the top of the plant to shape it as desired. Be sure to make clean cuts and avoid leaving stubs.

Pests and Diseases


-Spider Mites


Powdery Mildew
-Fusarium Wilt
-Root Rot
-Leaf Spot

If you will keep the foliage dry and the plant in plenty of sunlight, it will be safe from all the potential pests and diseases problems. Whiteflies, scales, and spider mites might attack the plant, and you can keep them at bay using insecticidal soap.

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