How to Grow Moss Rose | Growing Portulaca

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Easy to maintain and beautiful to look at, Portulaca is one of the best plants for pots and garden. Learn everything about How to Grow Moss Rose!

How to Grow Moss Rose

With small flowers coming in an array of stunning colors like pink, red, yellow, to mild pastel lavender, cream, and white, Portulaca looks simply amazing! Read this article to find out How to Grow Office Time.

Botanical Name: Portulaca grandiflora
Common Names: Moss Rose, 11 O’clock, Mexican Rose, Sun Rose, Rock Rose, and Moss-Rose Purslane.

How to Grow Moss Rose

You can grow moss rose by seeds. But like most vining plants, moss rose can be easily propagated through cuttings and it also saves a lot of time, too!

  •  Take 5-6 inches long cutting from a healthy plant.
  • Remove the lower leaves and plant it directly into a pot with a potting mix.
  • Keep it at a spot where it can get bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Water well. Make sure the soil never dries out completely.

Growth Requirements of Moss Rose 


Moss rose grows best in areas that receive full sun. The more sunlight it receives, the better it blooms.


Purslane plant prefers a sandy, well-aerated soil with good drainage. If you want to plant it in a flowerbed, till the soil and add sand to it. However, it is best to plant purslane in a container with a quality potting mix.


When the cuttings are newly rooted, you should water the plant frequently. As the plant matures, it becomes drought-tolerant. However, you should keep the soil moist at all times to ensure maximum flowering.

Temperature & Humidity

Moss rose grows best in the hot and dry weather of India. If you live in a northern region, save the plant from the cold drafts and make sure it is exposed to high temperatures and sunlight all the time.

Taking Care of Moss Rose 

How to Grow Moss Rose 2


Moss rose can do well without feeding. However, if you want more flowers, fertilize the plant with a balanced mix, once every 4-6 weeks, during its growing period. Please follow the instructions on the label.


Deadheading (removing withered flowers) isn’t necessary, but pinching them off will surely conserve the plant’s energy. Besides dead flowers, pruning back the lanky vines at the end of the blooming season will give the plant a neater look.

Pests & Diseases

Aphids are the commonly seen pests on moss rose. If you notice the yellowing of the foliage, it could be a sign of aphids. Get rid of them by using a spray of insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Additionally, prune the plant to keep it airy, avoid overwatering, and use well-draining soil to reduce the possibility of fungi and rot.

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