How to Grow Marigold from Dried Flowers in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Is it possible to grow a plant from spent blooms? Want to know How to Grow Marigold from Dried Flowers? Find out all the details!

Genda is one of the most popular flowers in India and is used extensively in religious ceremonies and family celebrations. The best part is, it is also easy to grow! Here’s all you need to know about How to Grow Marigold from Dried Flowers.

Learn how to grow Dahlias in India here

How to Grow Marigold from Dried Flowers

How to Grow Marigold from Dried Flowers

1. Let Flowers Dry

The key to growing Genda from dried flowers is to wait till the blooms fade on the plant. Once they get dry and become light brown, cut them using a shear.

2. Extracting the Seeds

Lay a paper towel on the flat surface and crush the flower after removed the dried petals. The seeds will drop. They are quite small in size and are of slender shape with light color.

3. Planting

As Tagetes love to grow in full sun, choose a spot that gets 4-5 hours of sunlight. Fill a medium-size pot with garden soil and add a layer of well-rotted compost or manure. Press the seeds in the soil and cover them up. They will sprout in 2-5 weeks.

Taking Care of Marigold

  • If you plan to grow them indoors, place the pot near a south or west-facing window.
  • Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. As a thumb rule, check one and half-inch of the topsoil; if it feels dry, then water thoroughly until it comes out from the drainage hole at the bottom.
  • An application of granular, slow-release 5-10-5 fertilizer once in 2-4 months will keep the plant thriving. Avoid using high nitrogen feed, as it will result in fewer blooms and more foliage.

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