How to Grow Lichi ka Ped | Growing Lychee

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Growing Lychee takes a little space in the garden and is also easy to look after. Here’s everything about How to Grow Lichi ka Ped in India!

Lichi ka Ped |

If you plan to grow Lichi ka Ped in the garden, here’s some good news! It is really easy and provides a fresh harvest for the entire family!

Find Out About the Queen of Fruits in India here

Lichi ka Ped Information

The best thing about growing Lichi ka Ped is the fact that it not only offers fruits but it is also a great foliage plant. It is really easy to look after in the climate around most parts of India.

According to research, the fruit contains ample anti-oxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Moreover, the plant parts possess considerable antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-tumor, and antioxidant properties.

Another study states that the most important health benefits of lychee are for the skin to prevent signs of aging, help remove blemishes and reduce sunburns. It also has hair benefits by promoting hair growth and providing a distinct shine. Other important health benefits include anticancer effects, promoting cardiovascular health, improving digestion, prevention of cataracts, aiding in weight loss, regulating blood circulation, preventing blood vessel rupture, protection from herpes virus infection, strengthening immunity, regulating blood pressure, strengthening bones, preventing anemia and increasing the libido.

How to Grow Lichi ka Ped?

The best way to propagate Lichi ka Ped is by seeds. However, it can be a time-consuming process, so it will be a good idea to get a well-grown plant from a nursery and then transplant it into the garden.

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Requirements to Grow Lichi ka Ped

shutterstock/Eak-karach Jamtung


Lichi ka Ped will thrive and grow best in full sunlight. Growing the plant in the shade will result in fewer, small, and low-quality fruits. Ensure it gets a minimum of 6-7 hours of bright sunlight.


Amend the soil with plenty of organic matter like cow dung manure and vermicompost when planting. Add coco peat every month to boost growth. Light sandy to loamy soil, with a pH between 6-7.5, is good for the plant’s growth.


Keep the soil slightly on the moist side all the time. This will promote juicy fruits. The best way to do this is to water Lichi ka Ped is when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Avoid watering the plant daily.

Check Out How to Grow Cherry Fruit here

Taking Care of Lichi ka Ped

Lichi ka Ped 2
shutterstock/livebear chen


Feed the plant with a balanced liquid fertlizer, diluted to 1/2 of its strength, once in 2 months. Mix a handful or more of cow dung manure in the soil every alternate month.

Pests and Diseases

Keep a check for mealybugs, aphids, and mites. Signs of infestation include tiny webs on plants, clumps of white “powdery” residue, or visible insects on the plant.

You can spray pyrethrum and neem oil to control aphids and pests. Spray it as per the product directions.

Harvesting Lychee

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It usually takes at least 4-5 years for a mature Lychee plant to bear fruits. If you have a self-pollinating variety, then it is not an issue, but for other ones, you may have to hand-pollinate.

Also, expose the tree to cold temperatures to help it bloom. The fruits grow in clusters and usually ripen from June to July and sometimes into September.

Let the fruits take a deep red-maroon hue before you pick them. Do not pull them as it may damage the tree. Use a scissor or a shear to make a clean cut.

Check out State Fruit of Himachal Pradesh and How to Grow it here!

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