How to Grow Balsam in India | Growing Balsam

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Gulmehendi comes in beautiful shades and looks fantastic in gardens. Here’s everything you need to know about How to Grow Balsam in India!

How to Grow Balsam in India

Gulmehendi is a spring bloomer and has stunning cup-shaped flowers that appear in mesmerizing shades of white, pink, and red. If you too want to include this beauty in your plant collection, then have a look at How to Grow Balsam in India!

Check out our article on How to Grow Marigold in India here

How to Grow Balsam Plant

The best way to grow balsam is from seeds.

  • Purchase the seeds from a local nursery.
  • Soak them in the water overnight prior to planting. This will increase the germination chances of seeds.
  • Fill a seedling tray or small pot with seed starting mix and sow the seeds in the soil. But make sure to not bury them too deep.
  • Mist them lightly and put them in a spot where they get indirect light.
  • The seeds will germinate within 7-10 days.
  • Once the seedling sets 2-4 sets of leaves, you can transplant it in an ideal container or garden bed.
  • The seedling will take 60 to 70 days to bear flowers.

Note: You can also purchase a  well-grown plant from a nursery. This will save you a lot of time!

Growing Requirements for Balsam



Balsam responds well to 3-4 hours of full sunlight. Though, it can do well in partial shade as well. An east or south-facing spot will be good for the plant’s growth. If you are growing it indoors, place it on a south-facing windowsill.


Balsam prefers moist but not damp soil for excellent growth. For container plants, water only when the topsoil feels a bit dry to touch. In Indian summers, you may have to water the plant more frequently, especially if you have kept them outside.


The plant thrives in well-draining, fertile, and porous soil. You can also use a good-quality potting mix. For the garden, make sure that the soil is not very heavy or compact—amend its quality by mixing compost or aged manure.


Warm and humid conditions keep this flowering plant happy—the tropical climate of India is best for growing balsams.

Taking Care of Balsam Plant

How to Grow Balsam in India 2


Use a balanced fertilizer once in 3-4 weeks during the growing period. Refer to instruction label for dose. Alternatively, you can also use organic feed like fish emulsion and fermented compost tea, once in 1-2 weeks in the growing season.


Generally, balsam does not require much pruning like other plants. Remove the broken, criss-cross, or diseased branches periodically.

Pests and Diseases

The plant is susceptible to powdery mildew and fungal infections. Avoid spilling the water on the foliage while watering. And, avoid overwatering the plant and grow it where it gets proper air circulation to keep it safe from potential problems.

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