How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi | Growing Taro in Pots in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

Growing Taro in Pots is really easy and this way, you can enjoy an organic harvest in a small space! Here are all the details on How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi!

How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi

Taro is quite popular in India and tastes great with its sweet flavor. It is mostly cooked like a potato and is a healthier option when compared to the other starchy veggies on the market. Let’s have a look at How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi!

Check out the list of plants with edible leaves here

Arbi Names in Different Indian Languages

The botanical name of Taro is Colocasia esculenta. 

  • Arbi in Kannada: Kesave
  • Arbi in Marathi: Alu
  • Arbi in Punjabi: Arvi
  • Arbi in Nepali: Pidalu
  • Arbi in Tamil: Chempu
  • Arbi in Telugu: Chama
  • Arbi in Konkani: Venti
  • Arbi in Bengali: Kochu
  • Arbi in Malayalam: Chembu

How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi?

One of the most appropriate and best ways to propagate Taro is from tubers, readily available in any nursery. In a warm climate like India, you can grow it any time of the year. All you need to do is keep the tuber in compost-rich, and well-draining soil. Water well and make sure it gets plenty of bright but indirect light.

Requirements for Growing Taro in Pots


The best way to grow Taro is in partial shade or filtered sunlight. Keep the plant safe from the harsh afternoon sun as it will burn the leaves. Also, avoid keeping it in complete shade.


If you are using garden soil amend it with plenty of organic matter, compost, and cow dung manure at the time of planting. Taro grows best in a slightly acidic growing medium, with a pH level between 5.5 and 6.5.


To ensure plenty of arbis, make sure to keep the soil a little on the moist side all the time. Never let it dry out completely.

Taking Care of Arbi


Feeding the plant once in 5-7 weeks will help it to grow well and fast. Use a balanced liquid feed after diluting it to 1/2 of its strength. Do refer to the label for instructions.

Pests and Diseases

Look out for caterpillars and grasshoppers. Keep them away by using a neem oil solution. To keep diseases at bay, avoid spilling water on the foliage.

Harvesting Arbi in India

How to Grow Arbi ki Sabzi 2
shutterstock/Poring Studio

The plant will be ready to harvest within 9-12 months after planting the tubers. Look out for leaves getting yellow and arbis popping out from the top layer of the soil. Gently pull them out without causing any damage to the plant.

Taro leaves are also edible but only after being cooked and can be harvested anytime.

Note: The sap of the plant can cause mild irritation to the skin and eyes. Harvest carefully wearing gloves.

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