Hellebore Care | How to Grow Hellebore Plant Indoors in India

Last Updated: 19.10.2023

If you too want to include beautiful flowers of the Lenten rose in the rooms, then here’s everything about How to Grow a Hellebore Plant Indoors.

How to Grow a Hellebore Plant Indoors

The Lenten rose, or the Hellebore, is famous for its cup-shaped, perennial flowers that come in mesmerizing shades of green, white, yellow, red, pink, and purple. It makes for a great houseplant, and here’s all you need to know about – How to Grow a Hellebore Plant Indoors.

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How to Propagate Hellebore Plant

You can get seeds from the garden shop, but you should get a well-grown plant from a nursery.

1. From Seeds

Hellebore is a self-sowing plant that usually drops its seeds after the flowering period. You can sow the seeds in a tray or pot filled with a seed starter. Most varieties of hellebores are hybrid, so the flower colors may vary.

2. From Division

To have the replica of the parent flower, the division is the best method. Dig the plant out of the soil and cut its rhizomes in parts, dividing them into individual plants. Now, plant them in separate pots filled with potting mix. Water regularly and put in bright, indirect sunlight.

Growing Requirements for Hellebore

How to Grow a Hellebore Plant Indoors 2


Place the plant at a location where it can avail some morning sun and a partial light for the rest of the day. East or west-facing window is an ideal spot.


Hellebore needs ample watering and consistent moisture during the growing period. Once established, it can tolerate some drought. Reduce the watering during winters.


The plant appreciates well-draining and organic-rich soil with moderate moisture. Any sandy, loamy soil can be used, but make sure to amend its quality by adding compost or manure.


The plant thrives in the temperature range of 12-20ºC. Too much heat exposure can affect the flowering capacity of the plant.

Pot Size

10-12 inches is a great starting point. Take a tall one with drainage holes at the bottom as it has a deep-root system.

Hellebore Care


Use any good quality balanced fertilizer once in 2 months. You can also use organic feed like well-rotted manure as a topdressing or side-dress the plant with Epsom salt during its growing period.


The plant needs repotting every 2-3 years as it starts to get root bound. Go for 1-2 size bigger pot than the previous one and use fresh potting soil for repotting.


You can prune back the old growth and dead or diseased branches. Also, cut back the flowering stems and yellowing leaves from the plant.

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