Growing Gypsy Flower in India | Growing Cynoglossum officinale

Last Updated: 18.10.2023

Gypsy Flower is one of the most beautiful specimens you can grow in your garden. This guide will help you into cultivating Cynoglossum officinale!

Gypsy Flower

Gypsy Flowers stand out with their dark maroon-red hue that match perfectly with the light green foliage of the plant. Let’s have a look at how to grow Cynoglossum officinale.

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Gypsy Flowers Information

Gypsy Flowers have a deep maroon hue, which makes them stand out from the other blooms. The plant stays compact, not growing more than 3-5 feet in height with slender grey-green leaves. It does relatively well in the climate of India.

Botanical Name: Cynoglossum officinale

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Requirements to Grow Gypsy Flowers



Gypsy Flowers won’t mind staying in a bit of shade but if you are looking forward to best blooms, then ensure it gets a minimum of 3-4 hours of direct morning sunlight every day. This will greatly help in the overall growth of the plant and will also give the flowers their deep hue.


The plant can grow really well in the regular garden soil. If you want the best blossoms, then it is recommended to grow Gypsy flowers in a mixture of equal amounts of garden soil, vermi-compost and coco peat with a handful of sand. Try to maintain the soil pH from 6 to 7 for the best results.


Avoid over-watering Gypsy flowers. Moisten the growing medium only when the topsoil feels a little dry to the touch. Do not water the plant daily and also ensure the soil never goes dry completely.

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Gypsy Flowers Care

Gypsy Flower 2


If you have amended the soil with plenty of organic matter, compost and cow dung manure at the time of planting, then Gypsy flower will grow without the need of any fertilizer.

To boost the growth, feed it with a balanced liquid fertilizer, once in 2 months.


Gypsy flowers do not require too much pruning. Trim away the spent flowers and dead stems from time to time.

Pests and Diseases 

These plants are generally pest and disease free. However, Gypsy flowers may get attacked by pests like aphids and diseases like powdery mildews. Apply neem oil solution to get rid of the pests. 

You can protect gypsy flowers from these problems by proper air circulation and sunlight exposure. Also, avoid over-watering. 

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