16 Important Gardening Tools Names in Hindi

Last Updated: 26.06.2024
Dhruvdeep Singh
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Meet Dhruv, a writer and nature lover from Amritsar, Punjab, who fell in love with gardening during the lockdown. With a B.Tech in Computer Science and over four years of writing experience, he brings a tech-savvy perspective to gardening. Dhruv's articles are a journey into the world of plants, offering exciting adventures for fellow nature enthusiasts.

Do you know about all Gardening Tools Names that you use daily in the garden? Find out with our guide below!

Did you know that all the special names help describe what the tools do in the garden? We’re going to learn about the names of some common gardening tools, like shovels, rakes, and pruners, so you can be a pro gardener and know exactly what tool to grab for the job!

Gardening Tools Names in Hindi

1. Shovel (फावड़ा)

Gardening Tools Names 1

Shovels are used for digging and moving stuff easily–it can be dirt, gravel, snow, or even grains.

2. Pruning Shears (कच्ची)

Gardening Tools Names 2

Pruning Shears are also very handy because they help you care for your plants by snipping off excess foliage. They’re also called Secateurs.

3. Garden Rake (जेली)

Gardening Tools Names 3

Rakes are basically landscaping tools that work for scooping, scraping, and leveling the soil or mulch.

4. Garden Fork (खुरटा)

Gardening Tools Names 4

You must have seen the garden fork lying around the gardens. It is used for loosening the soil during gardening or before planting seeds.

5. Hand Trowel (खुरपी)

Gardening Tools In Garden

A hand trowel is arguably the most used gardening tool. You can use it for digging, smoothing, and pretty much everything.

6. Garden Hoe (खुड्डी)

Gardening Tools In Garden 2

You must have used it for removing weeds from the garden, perhaps even for getting the soil ready. But did you know it’s called a Garden Hoe?

7. Watering Can (सींच)

Gardening Tools In Garden 3

Many people use pipes, but watering cans are actually better because the water doesn’t have much pressure and cannot hurt the soil surface or soft foliage.

8. Pruning Saw (छंटाई आरी)

Gardening Tools In Garden

Pruning saws are just like the shears but bigger. They’re for pruning the branches of trees and shrubs.

9. Garden Gloves (दास्ताने)

Garden Gloves

We’re sure you don’t need any explanation for these. Although people don’t use gardening gloves for small things, you must–to protect your hands.

10. Pruning Knife (छंटाई चाकू)

Pruning Knife

These small knives are really good for cutting vines and soft stems so they don’t get lopped when you slice them.

11. Garden Sprayer (फुहारित्र)

Garden Spraye

Sprayers are common on farms because they’re mostly used for spraying fertilizers and pesticides on the plants.

12. Garden Spade (कहपा)

Garden Spade

A garden spade is also a great tool that you must have in your gardening shed. It comes in pretty handy for digging trenches and slicing and lifting sod.

13. Garden Tiller (खेतिहर हलवाहा)

Garden Tiller

A garden tiller also comes in very handy–it’s for breaking the hard soil and making it softer so it’s easier to plant the seedlings or seeds.

14. Gardening Apron (तहबंद)

Gardening Apron

Just like the gloves protect your hands, a gardening apron protects your clothes. Plus, it has many pockets where you can keep smaller tools.

15. Weeder (निर्वाणी)

Weeder in garden

A weeder is small, but it is really useful. It helps you remove weeds from the garden safely so they do not grow back. If you don’t have one, get one.

16. Seed Dibber (नारा)

Seed Dibber

This gardening tool is similar to a pointed wooden or metal stick. It helps you make proper holes in the soil so you can plant the seeds and cuttings properly.

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